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The Non Believers
by Sivakumar on Oct 03, 2006 07:27 PM  Permalink 

These religious fanatics are real non beleievers
who issue fatwa for killing the Pope.

They dont beleive in their religion (Islam),which
talks about the Judgement day where the bad will be

If what Pope siad is against Koran and Muslims,let
their Allah take care of the Pope on the Judgement

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Muslims promote violence in the name of religion
by manav on Oct 03, 2006 07:23 PM  Permalink 

Whether by chance or by accident Islam has emerged as source of violence worlwide.

Muslims must learn to be tolerant or else they will face resistance from other religions.

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by sirat on Oct 03, 2006 06:44 PM  Permalink 

i think this is ridiculous..why are such extreme organisations allowed to exist in the world..they cause pain and destruction and horror ..we are better off without them.

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Pope and the jihadis
by Jaganniwas Iyer on Oct 03, 2006 06:30 PM  Permalink 

Ratzinger says the Prophet was a man of violence, then says, er... I did'nt say that a 13th century Byzantine Christian emperor said that, I was merely quoting him...not my words... then the uproar...mumbles something of an apology. We've seen all this drama before. Now the Islamic world is in its true element - issuing a fatwa for the pope's murder. The Americans say Markat-ul-Dawa is a terrorist organisation, their freindly terrorist ally Mush the Big Mouth say no they're just nice guys doin' some charity work. Mush's friend and America's adversary China says Mush's right, Markat ain't no terrorist. Now if Markat does bump off poor Ratzinger, what is the US gonna do? That would be interesting.
Jaganniwas Iyer

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This proves Islam is not a religion of peace
by Raag on Oct 03, 2006 06:16 PM  Permalink 

If the fatwa issued is a reality, then no doubt Islam is not a religion of peace.

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Are the muslims acting with sensibility
by John on Oct 03, 2006 06:12 PM  Permalink 

I don't know if anyone who has read the Popes complete address could ever find it faulty. Just picking a statement and blaming him as speaking against Islam is completely illogical.

By this plea to kill the Pope the Muslim leaders are in a way just tryng to prove that the Popes statements are right

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mind ur words
by stalin on Oct 03, 2006 06:03 PM  Permalink 

Kill Pope, says Lashkar fatwa... just wanna know wht this people r upto ... in koran did our lord tell us to kill everyone and u be happy ..wht u people have rites to talk about our pope ...

if u kill him do u think we r goin to be quite and let u go and have nice life ... will make sure atleast none of u guys will be alive ...if even we dnt do anything ... the almight god will take care of u...


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Kill pope and prove him right.
by Manoj on Oct 03, 2006 05:46 PM  Permalink 

Kill pope and prove him right.What else will they achieve but only to vindicate Pope's statement. They want to silence free speech, by sword....oops AKs, Bombs or Airliners??? They call this Jehad(Holy War).

Another very funny issue that needs mention here is that all media reports and statements by Politicians and jounalists call these murderers and their evil deeds Jehadis,Fidayeen(Religious Martyr)and Jehad. Don't we know that by using these words we are actually glorifying them in the eyes their fellow religion holders and their own aspirations???

There is no other word for them but Murderers, Terrosists and Arsonists.

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by RAJEEV CP on Oct 03, 2006 05:27 PM  Permalink 

kill those terrorists. they are a burden to humanity. bull shit jehadies

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