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Kill Pope,Says Lashkar fatwa.
by Er.Ahmad Rais Siddiqi(Alig) on Oct 04, 2006 04:38 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I was shocked to read this news on the Rediff just now as I understand that issueing the fatwa to kill Pope will not serve the actual purpose what Islam teaches It will be better if Pope says sorry by his heart and does not play acting or drama what is believed to be the fact as such till now Pope had said very derogatory remaks about the Holy Paighambar of Islam Hazrat Mohammad(PBUH) which was the worst example in the world today as no such big religious leader or priest had ever said any indecent words in the past but Pope Benedict has said so The whole world should come out openly and together in this mission to ask or rather pressurise the Pope to say sorry by his mind heart and real soulI totally condemn the Pope's cheap and mean words about our most repected and beloved Mohammad(PBUH) Issuing any such Fatwa will clear the bad image from the mind of such people like Pope but will encourage them to say more in future Pope has to realise one or the other day,his blunder of his life or face such Fatwas from many others Let us all forget and forgive if Pope says sorry by heart in future?
Er.Ahmad Rais Siddiqi(Alig)
International tv commentator

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RE:Kill Pope,Says Lashkar fatwa.
by KK on Oct 06, 2006 08:00 PM  Permalink
What the pope said is correct. There is no need for him to say sorry. Muslims are violent and want to kill the pope. That is exactly what the pope has said. The whole world should congratulate the Pope for having the courage to tell the truth. Thank you Pope for the truth!

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Fatwa for Pope
by Hareram on Oct 04, 2006 02:50 PM  Permalink 

You should not publish such reports, giving publicity to such news and outfits.

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I am surprised that you have made this news...........
by Shahrukh Khan on Oct 04, 2006 02:47 PM  Permalink 

How many times have we had these rabble rousing maulanas giving out fatwas against all and sundry topics.....
If this maulana knew even an ounce of islamic history, he would not have uttered a single word. Does he not know what hardship prophet (PBUH) had to suffer, does he not know all the foul words and pain that people gave him when he professed islam, and does he not know what his reactions were??????
He forgave all of them. In fact there was a woman who used to regularly throw filth and garbage from the house whenever the prophet(PBUH) used to pass by her house for namaaz. One day when he noticed nobody threw any garbage at him, he walked into the house to enquire if she was well and had not taken ill.
I would kindly request you all, not to give any credence to these people. Stop calling them "Islamic" terrorist. These are just "terrorists" plain and simple. Just because they say that they are fighting for Islam, it doesnt mean that all they do is islamic.

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This is absurd
by shiva on Oct 04, 2006 12:14 PM  Permalink 

I don't understand how can a gulli fellow or a cart puller, long beard nonsense guys can issue FATWA against someone who is a top (like Pope).

All the jihadies for GOD sake GROW UP, pull out u'r beards, remove u'r turbans and think like a real human being. Muslims worldwide need a point man like Pope for Christians, because the whole muslims r treating the terrorists as their messegners of god... this is what Pope conveyed in his speech.

Try to issue fatwas to the people in muslims who are having illicit relations in their families, killing innocent people, killing other religion people to grow and strength Islam, people who doesn't follow Islam even though they are muslims, people who become terrorits.

To Fatwa Issuers: Try to clean u'r house before you point your finger and issue fatwas against u'r neighbours.

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Foe's Foe is Friend
by BISHNU CHARAN PATRO on Oct 04, 2006 11:47 AM  Permalink 

When the whole world is accepting and recognising terrorists as terrorists, Pakistan is, at the same time recognising them as charity groups because it, as a poor, underdeveloping, anarchical, undemocratic, fanatic nation and as the epicentre of international islamic terrorism; has no existance or identity without sponsoring it. Morever, China doesn't want India to be a Superpower in the international arena. So, China supports the terrorist activities of Pakistan against India which shares not that much of good relation with it.


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Fatwa agaist pope
by rohit patil on Oct 04, 2006 11:43 AM  Permalink 

This protest is getting serious and may pose a serious problem for whole world. It may even lead to world war

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Time to open eyes and act on facts...
by Faisal Tabrez on Oct 04, 2006 11:11 AM  Permalink 

This is time to see the facts for muslim world and accordingly allign with no differnces. Get united against such anti Islam terrors and make them feel the heat of tolerence. We should not follow their footstep and act using means of distruction but by stremling the faith and make sure that the world realises your strength of tolerence. Keep going with good acts and their will be changes.



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