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This is absurd
by shiva on Oct 04, 2006 12:14 PM

I don't understand how can a gulli fellow or a cart puller, long beard nonsense guys can issue FATWA against someone who is a top (like Pope).

All the jihadies for GOD sake GROW UP, pull out u'r beards, remove u'r turbans and think like a real human being. Muslims worldwide need a point man like Pope for Christians, because the whole muslims r treating the terrorists as their messegners of god... this is what Pope conveyed in his speech.

Try to issue fatwas to the people in muslims who are having illicit relations in their families, killing innocent people, killing other religion people to grow and strength Islam, people who doesn't follow Islam even though they are muslims, people who become terrorits.

To Fatwa Issuers: Try to clean u'r house before you point your finger and issue fatwas against u'r neighbours.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Kill Pope, says Lashkar fatwa