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CPI(M) are the Chinese Agents in India
by Gope Lalwani on Nov 16, 2006 12:31 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The CPI(M) and other left parties have not said a word when China actually claims a part of India.

Speak up Jyoti Basu, Prakash Karat, Brinda Karat, Sitaram Yechuri and the rest of you, left traitors.

However Dr. Manmohan Singh and other Indian National Congress leaders does not want to annoy their CPI(M) friends, who are the PILLARS of their illegitimate UPA Government

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RE:CPI(M) are the Chinese Agents in India
by Suresh Verma on Nov 18, 2006 06:22 PM  Permalink
In India most of the people are not aware of enemy within.Communist always blame BJP for Nuclear self relience and using strong word for all those who are Indias enemy where as CPM always kept silent for China and its nefrecious act.When they claimed Aruncachal they are silent,but when Saddam was prosecuted they got together and organised huge rally in Kolkotta,When China suppress tibbet and does not recognise one of the most peaceful agitation,however they come out agaist US in Afganistan.They never gave statment against Maoist in Nepal & other part of India.
Still China is in possesion of Indian territory.They are doing every thing to ruin Indian industry & Market by claiming it anti poor.What about china`s cheap products freely availble and killing out own industry??
In Education SFI to do`nt have any agenda for Indiacentric development they are never practicle.They have millions in there pocket but others are just now where to go in Bengal & Kerala.

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India Matters!!
by R.Narayanan on Nov 15, 2006 02:45 PM  Permalink 

China has been holding to our 2 lakh plus square km of land and Pakistan has given away occupied area from India (POK) ie karakhoram highway etc to China
and they hv cemented their relations at the cost of India !!!.
We want peace with Pakistan and China and the way, it is conducted seems ridiculous that it is at their terms!!!!!!as otherwise we hv never asked China to vacate our occupied area nor we hv said this to Pak.
Our economy is sound and growing good..even compared to China and should gallop better. We should use this and leverage our strength to make them come to us-not otherwise-and create a pressure point. We need to learn the costly lessons of the past and be strong in our resolve to deal with both Pak and China
Our economic independence,strong political will and tough stance should pay good results..not tobe coweddown by any power on this universe.
Democracy is a good card that we need to play at both Pak and China as they are allergic to it !!!

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Time to Declare War Against China
by Riva T Philip on Nov 15, 2006 12:19 PM  Permalink 

It is the time to declare war against China.

India should form a new alliance with Russia, Kazakhstan, South Korea, Mongolia, Taiwan, and Japan to delcare war against Communist China.

India should encourage terrorism in China. We should support Uygur, Tibetan, Mongol, and Manchu separatism. China should divide into different smaller countries like China, United Mongolia, Manchuria, Cantonia, Yunnan, Sichuan, Ningxia, Uyguristan (Turkestan), and Tibet.

We should deport all Communists, Atheists, Marxists, Naxals, Maoists, etc to China. They have no right to live in India.


Riva T Philip

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Indian Leaders are Ostriches
by Pavan on Nov 15, 2006 10:56 AM  Permalink 

China has been strategically cultivated our neighbours for years. They have been arming Pakistan forever - including nuclear technology. They are building their Gwadar port. They have a listening post in Burma's Coco islands.

Whats been the strategy our great Indian leaders - nothing! They are ostriches and don't see a threat.
Whether it is the BJP, Communists or Congress - they are all the same. BJP gave away Tibet issue on a platter. The communists want to let the Chinese get access to key ports and telecom contracts.

What do we get in return - Arunachal is part of China!!

Only God can give our leaders some vision. So lets all pray our only hope - God.

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W have forgotten. But China hasn't
by GS on Nov 14, 2006 01:16 PM  Permalink 

We've forgotten. China hasn't: India's foreign policy has never been there. When we batgained with British for our freedom we lost our foreign policy freedom. Yes, if some countries do have good foreign relations/policies with India its for their own good or complulsive needs and not vice versa. Since independence there has been no successful or praise worthy foreign policy. Yes Russia has always been a frien in need and indeed is a friend. But will it be true in some late future? The Pak/Bangla case is a classic example to tell enough about Indias lowest quality and level of foreign policy acumen. The latest episode of Mr.Tharoor's UNO Nomination and subsequent failure and humiliating veto (true but guess)for Tharoor's withdrawl openly speels the decayed Indian foreign policy. GS

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cogent and convincing
by sridhar chari on Nov 14, 2006 12:43 PM  Permalink 

The author makes several valid points with respect to China. While these are true India risks being a fringe player in the great power game in Eurasia. More then China it is Russia that we have to be wary of. The once trusted friend has rapidly changed stripes, from refusing to support our permanent security council seat to engaging actively with both china and Pakistan, the signs are clear. Note the Russian interest in the Iran-Pak-India pipeline and the American style pairing of India and Pakistan in one visit by the Russian foreign minister.
That said there is no doubt that China will continue to suffocate us strategically. India's imaginative foreign policy can only revolve around traditional chinese adversaries like Vietnam through a strong presence in the Indian Ocean. But given the mess that India is in, the only way out for us, a very radical remedy is to undo the 1947 partition.
Difficult as it sounds, it is not impossible and if it were to happen would not only alter S.Asian geopolitics, but the global balance of power.


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Sino-India Relationships
by Vivek Anand on Nov 14, 2006 11:40 AM  Permalink 

I think whether as an individual, society or as a Nation, no one should forget its past as it is the foundation of todays and future course of action.

Leadership, in this regard, has to play an important role. Look at the Chinese Leadership, we can call it dictatorship but in the real sense it has made it sure that China as a country has to move ahead. It could be in terms of Economic Power or a strong Military Organization. With the possible strategic threat from US, they have made their relationships better with those countries in which US has a big Interest. For example African Oil producing Nations.

The Farsightedness, I think is the key aspect, which we are lagging in. But I think we can do little with the no. of problems we have in our own region. In Asia including the subcontinent, if we look, we dont have anybody to call as friend in true terms. In some cases we dont have any choice and in others we have burnt our hands ourselves.

In the recent years, the relationship with our neighbours, have gone sour instead of any improvement. Believe me, I wish our country would not have so many neighbours

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China asks for tawang
by siddharth on Nov 14, 2006 11:37 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

If they want Twang, why cant our timid leaders ask for aksai chin??? the big chunk of kashmir "gifted" to China?
How can we let these chinese leaders blabber whatever they feellike.. we arent afraid of china and we dont give a damn to what they think is their.. they just want to gobble land, be it Tibet, Kashmir or Arunachal.
Let them come this time, we have to settle 1961.

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We should only forget our enimity and not what they were once to us.
by shobha Nair on Nov 14, 2006 11:31 AM  Permalink 

Respected Sir,It is good to trust our neighbours but not to the extent that they think of owning an upper hand on us or fooling us to leanient our security measures at borders.That would be like playing with fire.China is an ambisious country their dreams are high but their dreams of twarting our attempt to secure nuclear bill passed at the US and UN senate to keep us below their rank is not a sign of a good friend That alsothey are more close to Pak than India.As faras we trust them only in the regions applicable we are safe to keep them as friends.There lies our diplomatic stategy.Shobha Nair.

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