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W have forgotten. But China hasn't
by GS on Nov 14, 2006 01:16 PM

We've forgotten. China hasn't: India's foreign policy has never been there. When we batgained with British for our freedom we lost our foreign policy freedom. Yes, if some countries do have good foreign relations/policies with India its for their own good or complulsive needs and not vice versa. Since independence there has been no successful or praise worthy foreign policy. Yes Russia has always been a frien in need and indeed is a friend. But will it be true in some late future? The Pak/Bangla case is a classic example to tell enough about Indias lowest quality and level of foreign policy acumen. The latest episode of Mr.Tharoor's UNO Nomination and subsequent failure and humiliating veto (true but guess)for Tharoor's withdrawl openly speels the decayed Indian foreign policy. GS

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We've forgotten. China hasn't