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Shame on you
by swaraj on May 31, 2006 09:27 PM  Permalink 

OBC guys come upfront and support this reservation move if you feel you are inferior or not capable to compete with General people.
Don't take this covert apporch and make your next generation shame on you as you took unnecessary advantage of the system

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Qota: Who ges benefitted
by ravi on May 30, 2006 03:46 AM  Permalink 

"Divide and Rule India" is something that has been practised by everyone who has had the power to do so and it only serves good these people. It would have really felt good if these reservations had impacted in a desired way. But it only serves political objective of some and problems for the masses whether General or reserved. I am writing this while I am in UK for a visit and these news bother me a lot and makes it a distant possibility that we achieve the sophistication and respect of the developed countries. This takes it farther again....it is time when we people understand the broader picture and work out for bigger things than "you got it so should I". Let us produce more rather than snathing each others. And politicians, please can you really for once, WORK for our betterment rather than pushing the society into this kind of discussion.

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by manoj on May 29, 2006 03:57 PM  Permalink 

All the political parties shedding crocodile tears. Do they have gods to be treated with a quota doctor or quota engineer to build their own house??

If all shall go to a good doctor or engineer irrespective of cast or religion, then why such a hipocracy of creation of reservation?

We are still ruled by cast politics. Only God can save india.

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Let us do a survey in AIIMS
by Ashit on May 29, 2006 03:25 PM  Permalink 

Why not do a survey in AIIMS and find out how many of the doctors who got in with reservattions there are from socially backward regions or come in from the lower strata of society.

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There is no other side !!
by Vikas Bansal on May 29, 2006 11:41 AM  Permalink 

Y dont people realise that all over the world, govts. have rarely paid heed to peacefull protests. In India we have a collection of idiots ruling us and I dont hesitate to add that we alone are responsible for this. The people of India have a right to go on strike against these draconian rulings. If certain section of people feel like being spoon fed all the time, its time that they go back to their mothers' lap. They want all the facilities but dont want to work for it. Listen ppl, stop making mockery of urselves. Stop the further division of this gr8 country. Support laws that will ensure that a child is not sold by parents to make two ends meet. This is not restricted to any one caste alone. Support movement that will prevent a mother from forcing her daughter into prostitution due to poverty. Again, this is not limited to a single caste. In short, please be open minded. If at all any sort of reservation is necessary, let it be on the basis of economic criteria. In light of above mentioned examples, all the talks of creamy layer is mere bull shit and political propoganda.

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India needs to survive in globalized capitalized world
by alok on May 29, 2006 11:26 AM  Permalink 

Let the MPS and Ministers and PM/President have their doctors, drivers, airplane pilots, security personnel from the reservations and not based on merit.

Only then can the real issue be understood.

In this age of globalization and capitalization if India needs to survive it can only be doing it based on excellence - world will not reserve a chunk of the world revenues for India.

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who are betrayed
by saraswathi on May 29, 2006 08:29 AM  Permalink 

The so called OBCs and Dalits are not betrayed,
not marginalised. Taking advantage of the situation
they try to create such an image. The politicians,
because of their eye on the vote bank, they pamper
OBCs and Dalits. These students want to bypass even
average requirement and procedures to enter an
institution. It is only the, so branded forward
community, who feel betrayed in their own country.
We have a fear, the Government do not care for
us. It is the fear that causes Anti-quota protest.
It is for the Government to assure that all citizens
will be treated equal. The Government has so far
failed to do so.

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by Kaushik Das on May 28, 2006 09:17 PM  Permalink 

1. You guys are not on strike because you are the ones getting free lunches at their expense. It is not something to be proud of.
2. Reservations are not a good thing, whatever the caste. So, it is a good thig that the mgmt and media are against it. It is not because of their being upper caste or whatever. It is because of their realising what the doctor's profession is which you still ahven't realised even after coming to AIIMS.
3. >>instead of coming out in favour of the marginalised castes and deprived students.<< What do you mean? If you are deprived, how did you buy costly books and reach AIIMS? What are you marginalised at? How is reservation 'in favour' of these classes?
4. Stop privatisation of Higher Education? Why? When the governemnt cannot provide enough facilities?
5. Down with upper caste chauvinism? Why don't you go to a village where this chauvinism exists and say it there instead of in AIIMS where people have studied and qualified?
6. Merit equal to capitation fees plus NRI quota? They still have to score the minimum marks to enter the institutes as well as to become doctors / engineers. The minimum is not reduced for them. and the money helps build infrastructure.

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Discrimination exist- it is only subdued
by Sujai Karampuri on May 28, 2006 07:00 PM  Permalink 

I believe that our people are still discriminatory. Earlier when in villages, they were in direct contact with lower castes and hence the discrimination was overt. But now, they grow up in islands of forward-caste, go to elite institutions, and rub shoulders only with other forward-caste people. The discrimination comes out when there is change in the status quo, like the present imposition of reservations-based-on-caste for OBC.

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by Atreyee Sinha on May 28, 2006 12:25 PM  Permalink 

i can fathom why these "educated" doctors are suppoting reservations.
so many of my friends r obc ( i never knew abt it b4 arjun singh created this nonsense) . they go to the same scul as me, to the same tutions, etc etc.
what do they need a reservation for.

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