Y dont people realise that all over the world, govts. have rarely paid heed to peacefull protests. In India we have a collection of idiots ruling us and I dont hesitate to add that we alone are responsible for this. The people of India have a right to go on strike against these draconian rulings. If certain section of people feel like being spoon fed all the time, its time that they go back to their mothers' lap. They want all the facilities but dont want to work for it. Listen ppl, stop making mockery of urselves. Stop the further division of this gr8 country. Support laws that will ensure that a child is not sold by parents to make two ends meet. This is not restricted to any one caste alone. Support movement that will prevent a mother from forcing her daughter into prostitution due to poverty. Again, this is not limited to a single caste. In short, please be open minded. If at all any sort of reservation is necessary, let it be on the basis of economic criteria. In light of above mentioned examples, all the talks of creamy layer is mere bull shit and political propoganda.