Taliban is itself a criminal tribe whose belief is centred on killing and persecution. Now, the controvery they are trying to prop up is about who actually killed Suryanarayana. Can Taliban - a killer tribe - be at all trusted ? Their very aim of kidnapping a person is meant to ultimately kill. Hence, how do they claim the hand of ISI in the killing. If ISI had to kill, they why do they not take to kidnapping and killing themselves ? Are they dependant on Taliban to achieve their killer aims ? Placing Taliban and ISI, I would still trust ISI 'cause Pak has a ruler who is sincere to the core and will not take such decisions lying down. I for one trust Pak under President Musharraf. ISI is an integral part of Pak and will not dare to do anything contrary to what the President wishes them to do.
Taliban are a hated lot the world over. These criminals should be wiped off their hiding places.
After these revelations I hope the indian intelligence agencies will start taking a proactive stand in the sub continent for which they were brought in....
We don't want them conquer anyone but atleast defend our men when they are in danger......
Its well known what pakistan's ISI has been doing for the last 20 years. killing Indians is their hobby. Its a shame on all pakistanis that their government is involved in cold blooded murder of innocent indians in india and abroad. its worst that the dacoits and bandits, what they don't realise that it reflects soo poorly on the entire pakistanis in pakistan and abroad.It shows that pakistan is a nation of cowards and is a terrorist nation. Any terror act anywhere in the world can be traced to only one nation pakistan. IS ANYONE LISTENING...
well, all i can say is that this was expected! it has been well known for the past decade or so that the Taliban was the brain child of the Inter Services Intelligence (pakistan's secret service). Now, confirmatory evidence is coming in... you can expect a denial from the pakistani government!! there is no way that these people shall admit on a diplomatic front that they are behind the Taliban...
India is anyway not going to do anything about it, except that the MEA spokesperson will come on TV and condemn the act. My my...what a shame indeed it is to kill someone!! I did not know this. TY MEA for letting me know that killing someone is an act of terror!
People take advantage when you let them take advantage. No one bullies the US, the UK, Germany, Israel or Spain! All these nations have been hit by terror attacks. India is however, the only one whining like a wounded pussy. The rest retaliate. But hey, Gandhi chale gaye...Manmohan ko chod gaye.
Ahimsa...ahhh! The pain of peace. If we cant retaliate, let us stop whining and get on with our lives.
This is real sorry situation for the country like India. Anyone can come in and do whatever he wants. Still we are waiting for some comments from US on this. Our leaders will keep on saying we will take serious action against this matter. But every one, even terroirst knows that nothing is gonna happen. Terrorism is now every where in India, not only restricted to Kashmir, live example of this is capture of big weapon and aramaments near Aurangabad. I think if this goes on then one day India will need to fight not only the enemies out side india, but the biggest enimy will be in side india and fighting with this one will be very difficult.
Had it been a Pakistani instead of an Indian. The Taliban wouldn't care to make such a dubious comment regarding his killing and hold India responsible for it, simply because India is not playing a role as big as Pakistan against the war on terror.
He was killed by Radical Afghan terrorists, and the only reason they are holding Pakistan responsible is to create a turmoil situation between Pakistan and India. The taliban knows that without Pakistan's fight against the 'War on Terror', the taliban could not be defeated, rather these Terrorists would rise even furthur.