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All humbug !
by critic-2006 on May 15, 2006 10:24 AM

Taliban is itself a criminal tribe whose belief is centred on killing and persecution. Now, the controvery they are trying to prop up is about who actually killed Suryanarayana. Can Taliban - a killer tribe - be at all trusted ? Their very aim of kidnapping a person is meant to ultimately kill. Hence, how do they claim the hand of ISI in the killing. If ISI had to kill, they why do they not take to kidnapping and killing themselves ? Are they dependant on Taliban to achieve their killer aims ? Placing Taliban and ISI, I would still trust ISI 'cause Pak has a ruler who is sincere to the core and will not take such decisions lying down. I for one trust Pak under President Musharraf. ISI is an integral part of Pak and will not dare to do anything contrary to what the President wishes them to do.

Taliban are a hated lot the world over. These criminals should be wiped off their hiding places.

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ISI hand in Suryanarayana death?