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M. Krepon of Stimson's director , on Indo-US Nuclear Deal
by Dharmendra Goel on Mar 13, 2006 10:12 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

PKL. March 13, 2006,Monday
It is important to emphasize that American Think Tank experts like Krepon do not feel comfortable if outside the existing Nuclear Weapon exclusive countries India could also have equal clout on Nuclear Weapons...This is their Blind spot; tIt seems to them Peace is safe only and only if the US arsenal of these diabolical weapons of Global death continues to be overwhelming
over both old rivals of existing Nuclear haves as well as any possible future rivals like India..
They are allergic to negotiate inspite of the changing power -Scenario. They hope to perpetuate US hegemony come what may. It is unrealistic; to say the least ,they are likely to face shocks soon in the course of next few yrs, to be sure...D. Goel

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RE:M. Krepon of Stimson's director , on Indo-US Nuclear Deal
by on Feb 27, 2008 04:50 PM  Permalink
hw can u say so

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by rgiriish on Mar 13, 2006 09:46 AM  Permalink 

Hi Sirs!

I want India should develop in each and every field. In coming next 5 to 10 years there should be a drastic development and i want to see this things happen.


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us nuclear deal with India
by subramanian on Mar 10, 2006 07:45 AM  Permalink 

The whole approach of many so called american experts is to look at any problem as if they are the only ones to decide the matter .many of them do not read the views of others particularly if it is from india which they hate in their heart .Even the die hard indian haters want us to pursue the defence deals since it favours USA and we as a nation should behave in a similar way and we don't need to hype any issue and we are thankful for Bush to look at us in a different way .It is a question of time that the so called intellectuals will understand our view points .Just look at the hypocracy of these people who can't dream of changing anything with China since it is the largest trade partner with USA and they are afraid of China .Let us march with our progress with humility and do what we want and achieve our goals .I haven't forgotten the day when Nixon sent ' 7TH Enterprise ' to threaten us in INDO -PAK war in 1973 and it did not deter us from our goals .Today ,we are much more comfortable than in the past.As Vivekananda says let us arise,awake and stop not till our goals are achieved.

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why no difficult questions were asked ?
by swapks on Mar 10, 2006 06:48 AM  Permalink 

How did we let this guy go away so easily?? We needed to grill him the way Leonard Weiss wa grilled the other day.

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Krepon asks: what more could India have asked for?
by Arun on Mar 10, 2006 04:24 AM  Permalink 

India should have got full fledged membership in the NPT as a weapons state. It deserves it. The NPT is like the discriminatory segregation laws practiced by the United States until 1964 or so. And what happened? Because they resisted Rosa Parks from getting in the front of the bus, she defied them and the laws are history. Had they shut up and let Rosa be an exception, the laws may have lasted a little longer. (However, all discriminatory laws are immoral and die over time. It is a shame Krepon, Einhorn, Cirinccione and their ilk defend them).
This will sound preposterous to people like Krepon, but what the US should offer to do is to sell India warheads (which the US could get paid for instead of polluting Nevada). Then they could reasonably ask India to cut off fissile production.

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by Bona Gonsalves on Mar 10, 2006 02:41 AM  Permalink 

I am sure the US congress will pass the deal they have no option but to associate with one of the three big economies in this part of the world, and India is the best choice they have. One thing is sure India is capable of moving ahead in all aspects with or without US and the rest are well aware of the fact.

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What more could India want?
by Mrs.Medha Purandare on Mar 10, 2006 02:17 AM  Permalink 

Abhi has asked above what I wanted to ask though I missed this chat. Rediff, plz. make some more arrangement to alert us about such important and interesting live chats. Thanks

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