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us nuclear deal with India
by subramanian on Mar 10, 2006 07:45 AM

The whole approach of many so called american experts is to look at any problem as if they are the only ones to decide the matter .many of them do not read the views of others particularly if it is from india which they hate in their heart .Even the die hard indian haters want us to pursue the defence deals since it favours USA and we as a nation should behave in a similar way and we don't need to hype any issue and we are thankful for Bush to look at us in a different way .It is a question of time that the so called intellectuals will understand our view points .Just look at the hypocracy of these people who can't dream of changing anything with China since it is the largest trade partner with USA and they are afraid of China .Let us march with our progress with humility and do what we want and achieve our goals .I haven't forgotten the day when Nixon sent ' 7TH Enterprise ' to threaten us in INDO -PAK war in 1973 and it did not deter us from our goals .Today ,we are much more comfortable than in the past.As Vivekananda says let us arise,awake and stop not till our goals are achieved.

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'What more could India want?'