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by Anand on Jul 12, 2006 05:01 PM  Permalink 

Terrorism is the inability of our rulers,who can resort to any extent for their individual gians.We have no law to give instant punishment to the terrorists.In fact terrorists should not be arrested.They should be killed as soon as they are caught.And the ongoing peace process should be stopped immidiately.Pakisthan doesnt want peace,it is India which require peace.People should also feel that it is our coutry.It is very important that all the Hindus should unite.It doesnt mean that we are against Muslims.They are our brothers.But Hindus should unite irrespestive of the Parties.

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Act of ...
by An Indian on Jul 12, 2006 04:44 PM  Permalink 

This is an act of cowardness. Our neighbouring country is behind this act. We all must teach them a lesson in front of the whole world..

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Communal riots...
by indian muslim on Jul 12, 2006 04:03 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Respected citizens,

Firstly &lastly i deeeply condem these attacks & killing of innocents.
I feel the Politicians and the police both r responisble for this.
Why relegion comes in picture whenever there is a muslim name? why no relegion was mentioned when LTTE KILLED the P.M. of India? why at all other places these kind of acts are given diff. name like, naxalities, maouist, ltte etc. and no relegion is suffixed and prefixed to these people, they dont kill humans? now no JKLF etc. is mentioned straight Islam comes in picture..why?
The politicans r resposible for these, they divided the communtity for their selfish goals, unless they accept thier misdeeds in public and take all citizens along with each other nothing can be done. These evil people are in all the places in the world, (America is most worried about indian/asian brain power and looking for every opportunity to create imbalance in sub continent and corrupt young blood)who take advantage of these kind of rift and get their evil deeds executed.
Partiality in police behaviour should be eleminated first. Till now how many times police fired on shiv sena rallies? nil. it is only for muslims, S.Caste and now agris.Why?

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Blasts organised by the Muslims!!!, who else??
by A Hindustani on Jul 12, 2006 03:13 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Hi all,
what you have said is really true...
" I had clearly stated in an earlier article that 90% of Indian Muslims are patriotic, peace loving and hard working citizens of this country. But even 10 percent amounts to close to 15 million or 1.5 crore supporters and sympathisers of terrorists. This a huge number and no government can really control them.

It is the 90% of the community that has to become pro-active and hunt these sympathisers of terrorism down. This is the only way that terrorism can be controlled. Like fish without water, terrorists cannot operate without popular support. Consideration of faith should not come in the way of citizens doing their duty. This apathy would be a monumental folly on part of the community. "

The real problem is that only, that there are Muslim symphatetisers of terrorists, so which make all these useless people the so called "Terrosists", we made a BIG MISTAKE, these people should have been removed from the INDIAN soil during the Partition itself, atleast India would have been a peacefull place Now...
as we remove the dirt from the House, and then it becomes clean, so also this....

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RE:to Hindustani
by Ashoo on Jul 12, 2006 09:15 PM  Permalink
Yes ,he indeed gave you a reason to react !! Don't mind him , he failed to realize that Indian army consists of muslim soldiers too!!! Muslims have made us proud of their achievements all over the world! Islam has become a synonym to terrorism because selfish people are calling terrorism 'Jehad'.Blame these terrorists and not the media/Govt!!!!!

Stupid acts of a worst section of a community gives the opportunity to blame the truly religious and sincere section!!!

Look Muslims can do something along with their community heads and clerics to make sure the worst section becomes as 'PAK' as the rest !!!!

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RE:Blasts organised by the Muslims!!!, who else??
by hindustani on Jul 12, 2006 04:14 PM  Permalink
Who r the people who smuggled countries secrets? who is LTTE? Who killed indian P.M.? stupid and educated but illitrate people like u r more responisble for these kind of things..u r talking all senseless.. u dont any thing about this planet. the whole Brhama was made by God and not indian only? all humans r the product of one man and woman..so clean u r shit first and than clean others than u might get some brain..u mean to say hindus working in usa and middle east r looked after by JESUS & Allha? Blood is blood.. there r more muslims suffered in these kind of attacks than any body else..go and read the newspapers properly..

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RE:Blasts organised by the Muslims!!!, who else??
by A Man on Jul 13, 2006 01:24 AM  Permalink
You guys are talking shit and everybody over is having more or less the same mentality of communial terrorost. Many of the buddies are talking about the HINDU-MUSLIMS and giving fundas of what is Hinduism and Muslim Kuran etc.

The terrorists are \"SIMPLY TERRORISTS\" and they do not have any god or allah AND they do not have any religion. They would have not done anything bullshit if they would have had a god-fearing attitude. Some chip and ill-minded people funding the terrorist to make this shit to keep their existance. Every entity in this world has it\'s purpose of existance. They have their and we have our. But for Humanity\'s sake please don\'t bring the \"Hindu-Muslim\" stuff in between.

Going ahead, those who still try and link terrorism with any religion needs to grow up and are really immature.

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RE:Blasts organised by the Muslims!!!, who else??
by dev on Jul 12, 2006 10:48 PM  Permalink
Don't always talk about Gujrath. Talk about Gondhra. Hindus never started anything. If you condemn Gujrath you should also condemn Gondhra. I know Muslims have also died, and also helped a lot in this crises. But unfortunately whatever written in the article is true, though the % may vary.

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muslims also victims of the blast
by shakeelmoidin on Jul 12, 2006 03:12 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

dear sir
i think in your article you are trying to say 10% of indian muslims support terrorism, sorry sir i dont agree with you, reason is the motive of the blast i think is not to target hindhus only in all the blast muslims were also victims. but what happened in gujarath more than thousand muslims died gujrath terrorist attacked only muslims their motive is to kill muslims, do you think these kind massacare can happen with out the help of gujarath govt and atleast 50% hindus why i did not see any of your article stating how much percent of hindus involved in guj riots. all the blast happened in mumbai are result of failure to tackle the terrorist, failure,to punish under world dons.failure to resolve certain issues like kashmir issue failure to punish people who commited mass murder in gujrath,failed to take severe action against all the terrorist in kashmir, failure to teach lesson to pakistan,failed to supress certain organisation in in india who instigate communal roits. so sir i am sure indian muslims are as patriotic as you are not even single indian muslims will appreciate or support terrorist.sir so next time be careful when you wite

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RE:muslims also victims of the blast
by Shahrukh Khan on Aug 11, 2006 04:16 PM  Permalink
Dominic brought about a good point, i would just like to inform him that the blast killed about 35 gujaratis many of them diamond traders who regularly travel by 1st class at the time of the blast. Does that ring a bell!!!!

After having said that, i would say that even a gujarati who has taken part in the riots is my brother indian and i would like a fair trial and a court decide on it, rather then a terrorist. A terrorist has no religion and it feeds on communal hatred which all of us here are showing in large quantities.....

lets find them and smoke them out of their holes, and we know who were smoked :)

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RE:muslims also victims of the blast
by sunil on Jul 18, 2006 11:45 PM  Permalink
hello shakeeluddin,

nice shamming.ask your heart.


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RE:muslims also victims of the blast
by dominic on Jul 12, 2006 04:27 PM  Permalink
Dear Sir
Though this is not the time for arithmetic calcualtions, a cursory glance at the list of victims shows that muslim names can be counted on the fingers of two hands, let alone the toes. No doubt this is as should be expected, as first class bogies are not supposed to carry too many of them in the first place, and precisely this point was taken into account by the islamic terrorists to have a go at the first class bogies to bring about mind boggling and crippling attack on whatever was india's pride. Big managers, IT stalwarts, et al have been annihilated wantonly and this would be a great set back for the indian industry. This also shows the meticulous planning and the inside information these terrorists get from the sleeper cells that are existing amongst us. How to get rid of these cells?; only god would tell us or guide us! May be another amicable partiiton could be an answer, but this time it should be cut and dry, with not a single terrorist left behind. Terrorists cannot have best of both the worlds at the expense of the innocent hindus!

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by ash on Jul 12, 2006 02:25 PM  Permalink 

I think its too early to put the blame on pakistan.It looks to be very well planeed.I might be speaking out of order but the CIA has been known to organise covert operations.Not sure if they wanted to destabilize the indian subcontinent and jeopardize indo-pak relations for their own agenda

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'' Wake up or get used to such incidents''
by Preeti Sharma on Jul 12, 2006 02:23 PM  Permalink 

Dear Sir,

I fully support the view-point expressed in your article.U have rightly termed the indian peace talks being viewed by Pakistan and the terrorists as the "impotent" rage of Indians.

I sincerely hope that the Govt. also realises that merely holding the 'flag' of peace process and the so called " Indo Pak dialogue" will not solve the problem.
The govt. needs to take some sincere and decisive actions if we really want to avoid the disaster which happened yesterday in Mumbai. But unfortunately we know that this incident will also be forgotten as many others in the past have been!!
It is high time now that the Govt. takes a stand against the terrorist activities that are going in our country. We cannot afford to lose the innocent lives of the people while these politicians keep on holding their 'peace talks' in order to impress the US!

Its the time to wake up from our slumber or else these inhumane and heinous acts of crime will continue and will account for the loss of many innocent lives.

Preeti Sharma.

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Peace process
by Shri Kant on Jul 12, 2006 01:59 PM  Permalink 

Mr Athale: That you went for the peace delegation in the first place despite knowing that Pakistan never ever had anygood intentions shows a foolishness on your part. Even when there have been "democratically electes" governments in that country, their foreign and defence policies have always been controlled by the army. This will remain the case in future also and no ARD can change it. It now seems that the Pakistanis have got a death wish. It is time India obliged them.

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offence is the best defence
by s pawar on Jul 12, 2006 01:49 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

To end all sorts of terrorism, created from islamic fundamental muslims, one has to finish its source like
soudi & pakistan.

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