Firstly &lastly i deeeply condem these attacks & killing of innocents. I feel the Politicians and the police both r responisble for this. Why relegion comes in picture whenever there is a muslim name? why no relegion was mentioned when LTTE KILLED the P.M. of India? why at all other places these kind of acts are given diff. name like, naxalities, maouist, ltte etc. and no relegion is suffixed and prefixed to these people, they dont kill humans? now no JKLF etc. is mentioned straight Islam comes in picture..why? The politicans r resposible for these, they divided the communtity for their selfish goals, unless they accept thier misdeeds in public and take all citizens along with each other nothing can be done. These evil people are in all the places in the world, (America is most worried about indian/asian brain power and looking for every opportunity to create imbalance in sub continent and corrupt young blood)who take advantage of these kind of rift and get their evil deeds executed. Partiality in police behaviour should be eleminated first. Till now how many times police fired on shiv sena rallies? nil. it is only for muslims, S.Caste and now agris.Why?