Look at the way Israel wreaks vengeance on its enemy. Just one soldier kidnapped and the whole lot of Palestinians were made to repent. We have been bleeding not now , since the last one thousand yrs. Excessive minority appeasement at the cost of national security will finally boomerang back to us..oops not will;has boomeranged back to us...communal violence is waht the terrorists want. but should not our muslim brethrens sympathise n think like indians . Reports say that Indian muslims are the ones who were used to caary thes e blasts.cuz they were unhappy over the babari najid demolition and Gujrat carnage..wot abt the akhardham blasts, wot abt the Varnasi blasts..n wot abt the colosal lose of life n property of Kashimiri Pundits.. I think if after al these yrs, Muslims still feel alienated and lot of them keep on supporting Pak in Cricket matches, i think they better pack their bags n leave.. the whiole world is bearing the brunt of their intolerance... Russia, China, Aerica, Uk , ISrael, india...I dont know abt the merits of Islam, but it is the followers who add glory to their religion...
Terrorists don't have a religion or faith and i agree with you that till the terrorists from across the border are given a befitting reply we cannot live in peace. If any Indian citizen is found to be supporting terrorists for whatever reason, hang the person at India Gate or at Azad Maidan. This is way we need to go.
"Like fish without water, terrorists cannot operate without popular support."
Absolutely correct, sir.
Muslims have to take their heads out of the sand and see from afar that it's not the hindus/sikh/xtians/xyz's fault that Islam is perceived as a religion/idealogy of hatred and extremism, it's the fault of you and yours. I judge Islam by the actions of its followers. Whether this comes from Indian muslims, paki muslims or muslims from timbuktu, I only see followers of Islam.
We support terrorism silently and are complicit in it. We watch Salman Khan and Bharat Shah movies though we know very well that the money comes from Dawood and co. We support movies that glorify 'bhais'. Bollywood, RG Verma & Co. think its all so cool. Our cricketers and BCCI go out and play cricket with these terrorists when our soldiers are getting killed at the borders. None of them have the courage of their convictions like the English cricketers or the Aussies who refused to shake hands with Mugabe. We go out and make successes of movies like Fanaa which glorify the terrorist and their 'cause'. As a nation and a people we have no sense of history nor any shame. Our wretched future stares us in the face for we fail to learn from the past.
Dear Colonel, Where did you get this figure of 90% Muslims being patriotic and peace loving? Has there been a survey?
The fact is that for Islam, religion is far more important than nation. The religious bonding is very strong in the case of Muslims and this is a fact no one can deny. So whenever there is a call for Jihad 99.5% of Muslims unite and only may be 0.5% will keep away from it.
The oppostion to Vande Mataram is a clear evidence. Remember Veer Savarkar's definition of a Hindu; one who feels that this country is his Pitrubhu and Punyabhu is Hindu. No muslim has ever accepted this because for him to treat his nation as punyabhu is anti islamic.
Some practical analysis is ecpected from you Colonel. Don't speak like a seasoned polotician.
I cannot agree with the the author's idea of launching an assault on Pak/ even the ridiculous notion that 10% of Ind musilims r terrorism sympathizers. Yeah, there has to be support from inside, but 10% is such a significant % of the Indian population and to brand a community like that is extremely unfair.
And who says that the supporters of these heinous crimes are muslims in the 1st place?The guys behind these acts r cold-blooded murderers & they could very well be of any religion.
These could be politically motivated & orchestered by the underworld for all we know. So please refrain from branding the 1/10th of Indian muslim population as traitors.(and also all the pakis as terrorists....Just put yourself in their shoes...Would you go & bomb Karachi under normal circumstances?...An avge Pakistani is also not a terrorist. You will know it, if you have gone outside India and have met this so-called enemy folk personally). What I feel is that our Intelligence agency lacks the keyword-intelligence. I don't remember the last time they cracked a real case and not results from their investigation. We need an active and efficient intelligence agency to crack down upon these guys!!
Was going through the list of people dead- Amjad, Ashok, Mohammed, Jacob, Dinesh.... There are people from different communities; different relegions, all dead now. Due to the acts of some few fanatic terrorists.
Whoever have done the blasts, a lot of people belonging to their relegion is also dead now. These ghastly acts of violence and terrorism will only alienate the terrorists from their own communities.
The united spirit of mumbai, and of India, cannot be split apart by these acts, which is already evident from the acts of unity shown by the Mumbaikars after the blasts