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Colonel Athale
by Shrirang Joshi on Jul 12, 2006 06:09 PM

Dear Colonel,
Where did you get this figure of 90% Muslims being patriotic and peace loving? Has there been a survey?

The fact is that for Islam, religion is far more important than nation. The religious bonding is very strong in the case of Muslims and this is a fact no one can deny. So whenever there is a call for Jihad 99.5% of Muslims unite and only may be 0.5% will keep away from it.

The oppostion to Vande Mataram is a clear evidence.
Remember Veer Savarkar's definition of a Hindu; one who feels that this country is his Pitrubhu and Punyabhu is Hindu. No muslim has ever accepted this because for him to treat his nation as punyabhu is anti islamic.

Some practical analysis is ecpected from you Colonel.
Don't speak like a seasoned polotician.

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Terrorists want communal riots