It is abosolutly irresponsible on the part of medical fratenity to go on strike and hold the ailing people to ransom. They should realise that institutions are greater than a person. They should concentrate on their profession which is noble one.They should not bring their ego for a single persons cause due to which no much harm is going happen to the instituion. AIIMS is not a priveate property belonging to any segment of society or a person but a organisation of people of India. Doctors should not behave like criminals. Not providing treatment to aling persons is a unpardonable sin and crime against humanity. Hon'bale Health minister should keep a close watch on this type of activist doctors and take strigent action against them. These inhuman doctors should not be pampered anymore to maintain the harmony in the society.
RE:Venugopal hurt
by india citizen on Jul 08, 2006 05:51 PM Permalink
Mahen.. every one knows that institution is greater than a need not over emphasize it. Your words seem to be all against the striking doctors and Dr Venugopal......... and you seem to be in full support of Ramdoss.
How many people are dying daily due to government's irresponsibility....the health ministry is solely responsible for scores of deaths happening daily in India due to non accessibility for treatment.
The death at AIIMS is an exception. You cannot expect the institute to be treated by the minsitry as a fiefdom to sack and do whatever Ramdoss wants to!!
You ought to know that the humuliation done was with political interests...and dont see this humiliation is just to Padmabhushan Dr Venugopa alone....its a humiliation by RAMDOSS to the autonomy of the institute and also the medical fraternity.
Dr Venugopal is getting solidarity from one and all in AIIMS, in addition other reputed institutions in Delhi and the Indian Medical Association which is a representative of the country's medical fraternity have also expressed solidarity to Dr.Venugopal. Cutting across party lines, the decision of the ministry is crticized.
RE:Venugopal hurt
by Vijay on Jul 06, 2006 07:20 PM Permalink
An unfortunate day for India.
And the Supreme Court is silent and so are the so called intellectuals who dont want to condemn the death of meritrocracy and the autonomy and sanctity of India's premier medical institution.
A great day for caste based politics .
But do we require a Pakistani threat for India to disintegrate. I think our politicians are a greater threat to united India.
it is a bad precedent set by our minister,he is behaving like a dictator, it seems he forgotten that he stays in a democratic country, and his term is only for five years or less, he should have transferred venugopal to some other instituitons rather than sacking, as many aiims like structures are going to come up.
This government comprises a bunch of megalomaniacs. They make draconian policies, sack professsionals and rude to the common man. This government run by arrogant, imbecile and incompetent asses should be bundled out for the good of the country. Dr venu is a winner and the Govt. is the loser. India will lose all these professionals to private sector and will be run by those maniac leftists and Casteist Congress down the precipice. This country has no hope in the hands of these scoundrels of the highest order.
I am a person out of hundreds and thousands who knows who is Dr Venugopal. For me and my family he is not less than GOD yes he has given life to my sister when she was suffering from serious cardiac problem. We proud to be Indian citizen because we live in a nation where people born like Dr Venugopal, Dr A P J Abdul Kalam, Mahatma Gandhi, Dhirubhai Ambani, Viveka Nand but today we ashamed to be Indian citizen because we are being ruled by person like present health minister.
iam glad to be a part of doctors commnity, who have not bent to the government.we are all with you sir .any thing to protect our profession from becoming politicised.
Again our PM proved to be a man with no action. He just allowing all the nonsenses by HM Dr.A Ramdoss. this shows PM has no control over his ministers. PM is not able to think of his own. He is neither a good commander nor a good leader. Congress and our PM want to safeguard their chairs and allowing these immature acts!!!.
GOD SAVE INDIA.. (May be, God give brain and heart to our PM)
RE:Our PM has no power
by siva on Jul 06, 2006 05:33 PM Permalink
Thanks for your information and frankness,despite not being from state of TN ;I have quite a few friends from ur state who have expressed similar views regarding Ramdoss(who apparently got the degree without much hardwork).