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Venugopal hurt
by Mahen on Jul 06, 2006 11:04 AM

It is abosolutly irresponsible on the part of medical fratenity to go on strike and hold the ailing people to ransom. They should realise that institutions are greater than a person. They should concentrate on their profession which is noble one.They should not bring their ego for a single persons cause due to which no much harm is going happen to the instituion. AIIMS is not a priveate property belonging to any segment of society or a person but a organisation of people of India. Doctors should not behave like criminals. Not providing treatment to aling persons is a unpardonable sin and crime against humanity. Hon'bale Health minister should keep a close watch on this type of activist doctors and take strigent action against them. These inhuman doctors should not be pampered anymore to maintain the harmony in the society.


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Venugopal hurt: Wife