Oh god!!!!! are we living in a civilised society. I doubt. This article is realy a eye opener for all blinds (virtually) in the society. I think we are really cowards inside and want to be diplomatic always. We still have to learn lot from US, Israel etc. They will screw the world if there one citizen dies. We have forget so easily for Tibet our soldiers have given their lives away. I will also like to ask question from the so called secular face of this country like Shabana Azami, Kuldeep Nair, Lalu Yadav, Arjun Singh any answers on this.
I totally agree with Mr rajeev's comments on the captioned subject. But, mind you, the regional & Hindi language Media has a far more better coverage in this country. What is communicated through this media will have stupendous impact on the mass opinion. May I request Mr. Rajeev to write a column on Regional & Hindi language Newspapers. In my opinion, a biased media either way is a dangerous messenger to the readers & can lead to serious confrontation on issues which have no relevance.
Good article, bringing out truth as it is. But what to do, this how we interpreted the term 'secular.' It needs a sea change in the attitude of media persons and general public as such.
I am proud of you. What an eye opener. A wonderful article. But who cares? These days, in order to win an election in Bangladesh, you must prove that you are a fundamentalist muslim. And here in India, duffers like Mani Shankar Aiyer like to call themselves secular fundamentalists. These secularists of the Congress party will even lick the toilets of the Nehru/Gandhi family to get a portfolio.
Glory be to Sanatana Dharma/Hinduism which has produced the maximun number of saints as compared to any other religion. I am proud to be a Hindu. Hinduism will never die/ It cannot ever die. God has been incarnating in this Holy Land of India since time immemorial. Adi Shankara, Sri Ramanuja, Sri Madhva, Sri Nimbarka, Sri Vallabha, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu are some of the best known examples. The saints of Maharashtra, the Alvars, the Nayanmars, the Hari Dasas. Where in any other religion can you find such mystics?
Saints in Sanatana Dharma are born saints, unlike Christianity where unrealised souls are conferred the title of saints. No wonder why people from around the world keep flocking to Tiruvannamalai in Tamil Nadu in search of solace to Sri Ramana Maharishi Ashram
RE:Great Article!
by J.N.Mahanty on Jan 10, 2006 08:12 PM Permalink
Although TOI did publish the News , it failed to highlight the Killing of Hindus. Indeed, the caption of the News Item should have been Hindus Killed in Pakistan, and the News shd have been flashed right on the first page. It is frequently seen in the English media, that they highlight any News concerning death/killing of Muslims and the same prominence is not given in case of death of Hindus. I think those who love their Hindu brothers, please boycot these English Newspapers.
This article is poorly researched and presents arguements that are not based on facts. I spent some time searching Times of India to see if in fact the Hindu deaths were not reported as claimed.
I found that the ToI carried an article in brief on March 22 itself and a longer article on March 23rd 2005.
March 22, 2005 Times of India
Rockets hit Pak temple
Quetta: Seventeen Hindus were killed when their temple was hit by rockets during fighting between renegade tribesmen and security force in a restive tribal town in southwestern Pakistan last week, a government official said on Monday. The fighting in the town of Dera Bugti erupted on Thursday after the tribesmen attacked a convoy of pickup trucks carrying paramilitary troops along a mountain road.
March 23, 2005 Times of India:
Major crisis may be brewing in Pakistan province, says army
Sui: Even as a parliamentary delegation headed to a remote town in Pakistans southwest province of Baluchistan on Tuesday in an attempt to end a siege by hundreds of armed tribesmen, a local official said around 5,000 tribesmen have taken up positions ... (read ToI for full article!)
I congratule Mr. Rajeev for bringing out this news. I must say, for all these years, I have been reading only about the attrocities of Devilish Hindus on poor minorities. One should hang his head in shame for inflicting attrocities on minorities. It is a real tragedy that the so called Indian English Media or the "Buddhijeevis" (I call them Durbudhhijeevis) only talk against Hindus. They must know that only hindus have tolerated other religions since times immemorial. We know of no other religion who has tolerated other religions to such an extent. The reason is in hinduism, one does not preach single path of salvation. Hinduism says one can reach God through many ways. You can select your way to reach God. But everyone must obey Dharma (Righteousness). One must know that minority appeasement will not take the minorities to any special status. Infact this will backfire them one day. All minorities must understand that they are in much better position in India than anywhere else in the World. Media must play impartial role. Whom so ever has committed crime, must be displayed. There should be no appeasement at all.