I congratule Mr. Rajeev for bringing out this news. I must say, for all these years, I have been reading only about the attrocities of Devilish Hindus on poor minorities. One should hang his head in shame for inflicting attrocities on minorities. It is a real tragedy that the so called Indian English Media or the "Buddhijeevis" (I call them Durbudhhijeevis) only talk against Hindus. They must know that only hindus have tolerated other religions since times immemorial. We know of no other religion who has tolerated other religions to such an extent. The reason is in hinduism, one does not preach single path of salvation. Hinduism says one can reach God through many ways. You can select your way to reach God. But everyone must obey Dharma (Righteousness). One must know that minority appeasement will not take the minorities to any special status. Infact this will backfire them one day. All minorities must understand that they are in much better position in India than anywhere else in the World. Media must play impartial role. Whom so ever has committed crime, must be displayed. There should be no appeasement at all.