Once again, the sad plight of the Hindus (and the Baloch Muslims) in Balochistan is used by Srinivasan to further his anger towards the English media in India. According to him, everyone in India is against the Hindus. This is strange, considering that more than 80% of Indians are Hindus (by religion) and a lot more Indians are Hindus by culture. (I know a few Indians dont like to consider themselves Hindus and view Hindu practices as something pagan and primitive, I am not one of them). He has conveniently chosen to ignore the ruling party's statements against the genocide. The statements were out of character, simply because we dont have a history of issuing such provoking statements in what may be the internal affairs of another country. Yet, we had the backbone to do this. I am sure, if the BJP govt had issued something similar, Rajeev Srinivasan would have spent lots more time praising them. Killing innocent people, whether they are Hindus, Muslims or athiests is deplorable. Srinivasan's agenda to give it a twist based on religious lines is not necessary.
From the pogrom by the Moplahs to petro-dollar funded secularism, Hindu bashing has been found profitable by the successful "secularists". Probably that glorious day is not very far off when every victim of Jihad would be compelled to sing paens in praise of that noble idea. Why complain ?
A very good article. Such articles are needed once in a while to wake up the Hindus who are in deep slumber and wake up to the situation which could be become precarious. Hindus themselves are to blame for the situation as their house is divided - first divided by British and now by so called pseudo-secularists Either they want to prove that they have large heart or that they are indifferent. Actually, many among Hindus themselves do not have faith in Hinduism which is a great pity. Hindus should unite and ensure that their identity is maintained. Already the views are being expressed that India is not the place of Hindus as each Congress Govt.since independence has been ignoring the feelings of Hindus and enacting laws opposed to Hindu culture. Day may not be far off when a Hindu will not know what is Hinduism and may believe what the politicians (particularly Congress and Commies) tell him.This is a wake up call for every Hindu who wants to preserve his identity and pride and ensure that he has a place of pride in India. Otherwise, Hindus will disappear into oblivion. A systematic plot is being worked out towards this end.
Dear Rajeev I very much appreciated your concern. Its very much common in INDIA, the minorities are appeased by policticians on the pretext of social justice. The Human rights activists will bark like stray street dogs where they will feel it is safe to bark. This is true with majority community since there is no backlash. Which is unlike in case of minority community. However, I would like to reason one aspect of India not showing concern specifially for hindus in Baluchistan. India Officially is a secular country though it is inhabitated by majority hindus. India did raise a finger towards pakistan for its military strike in Balochistan. If Indian foreign ministry would have shown concern specifially for hindus, it would have lost on two points. 1. India would be sailing in the same boat as Pakistan. The only difference would be that Pakistan showing concern for Muslims(through its cleansing of hindus from valley) in Kashmir and India showing concern for Hindus in Balochistan. This would hurt Indias secular Image. 2. Its tit for tat strategy towards pakistan would be hampered. Showing concern for killing of Hindus in Balochistan would make other Baloch people feel isolated.
rajeev you are right but politically incorrect. value of a hindu life is not high in eyes of editors. writing pages after pages on stupid bridges and buses between them and us is much more important than writing about hundreds of armymen, CRPF personnel we lose every year in kashmir. no one wants to write about the psychological impact fighting in kashmir has on the jawans. no one wants to write about the migrant camps of KPs that still exist in Jammu and delhi. or about the social and psychological toll migration continues to have on KPs. it's fashionable to espouse the cause of muslims. pseudo-secularists like author humra quraishi trash the indian army as worst exploiters of human rights in the valley in her book "Kashmir: The Untold Story".
Nothing serves like serving interests. Indian media is no exception as there seems to be no permanent friends and no permanent enemies. Only permanent interests.
Indian media has justified that time and again. Even in one of most widely covered incidents on communal violence- The Godhra incident. The coverage was so much focused on the violence of the Hindus that the Godhra now seems to be the synonymous to the Hindu slaughter the Muslims picture and not the incident which triggered all that- burning of 57 Hindus (a number which depreciated rapidly with the course of time) alive.
Here the excerpt from The Hindu to rationalize my putting the number at 57:
Fifty-seven persons, mostly women and children, were killed and 43 sustained burn injuries when a coach of the Faizabad-Ahmedabad Sabarmati Express carrying `Ram sevaks' was set afire by a group of people on the outskirts of ... , The Hindu (Feb 28, 2002)
And apologies! Later reports say that the incident was an accident! Whenever the truth is unappealing, so many pictures are painted around it that it is virtually impossible distinguish the genuine from the fake. Because the ap