Dear Rajeev I very much appreciated your concern. Its very much common in INDIA, the minorities are appeased by policticians on the pretext of social justice. The Human rights activists will bark like stray street dogs where they will feel it is safe to bark. This is true with majority community since there is no backlash. Which is unlike in case of minority community. However, I would like to reason one aspect of India not showing concern specifially for hindus in Baluchistan. India Officially is a secular country though it is inhabitated by majority hindus. India did raise a finger towards pakistan for its military strike in Balochistan. If Indian foreign ministry would have shown concern specifially for hindus, it would have lost on two points. 1. India would be sailing in the same boat as Pakistan. The only difference would be that Pakistan showing concern for Muslims(through its cleansing of hindus from valley) in Kashmir and India showing concern for Hindus in Balochistan. This would hurt Indias secular Image. 2. Its tit for tat strategy towards pakistan would be hampered. Showing concern for killing of Hindus in Balochistan would make other Baloch people feel isolated.