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by Ketan Desai on Feb 03, 2006 03:01 PM  Permalink 

Dear Sir,

I am surprised , I am more then happy to have your article on Rediff. There are brave people like you who have courage to write such article in India against all the odds of Ruling Congress / Communist and like minded - ( brain washed in convent school)- always favouring Christans / Muslims but hating Hindus.

Congratulations to Rediff for having Great people.

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attack on temple in baluchistan
by dr. a. j. khan on Feb 02, 2006 07:36 PM  Permalink 

It's very discouraging and disgusting to read articles such as these, no matter by mr. sriniwasana, an extremist muslim or an extremist follower of any religion. such people always kill their precious time to make a news out of nothing. indeed, there were casualties which is saddening, but it would have added more height to mr. sriniwasana had he seen through the humanitarian spectacle and reported/ analysed the same unbiasedly. i pray that mr. sriniwasana and people of such mentalities whether they are muslims, christians, jews or hindus, stop dividing humanbeing and rather support the oppressed, deprived and underprivilege human beings. May you learn to be unbiased and human. Please have mercy on ailing humanity.

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What can we do
by Ravi on Feb 02, 2006 06:38 PM  Permalink 

Dear Rajeev, What you are saying is absolutely true. But what can we do? When our freedom fighters got rid of the British, we thought we were free. Absolutely wrong !! We were free from white tyrants, but now we are slaves of these black tyrants who are sitting in the Parliament, butchering our rights for their own good. Frankly there is no justice in this country.

Pls tell us what should we ordinary Indians do?
should we storm the Parliament and get rid of these Netas. What should we do?

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INDIA is 'Secular'
by lax on Feb 02, 2006 12:09 PM  Permalink 

Anyone who talks about upliftment of hindus or the atrocities against hindus are considered as 'non-secular' and fanatic. Actually nothing can be done about this for the same reason.Hindus can only keep complaining about it and continue gettin branded as bigots. Not even the so called 'Hindu party', the BJP, actually cares about Hindus. They showed thier true colors when they came to power. Hinduism is a religion on the verge of extinction and thats its ultimate fate.

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by sgapl on Jan 26, 2006 08:03 PM  Permalink 

Hi whats intriguing is the following group of people will always opppose RS and Francis gautier and Varsha bhosle and some others even if they write rationally and argue tangentially and obscure the issue.
The minorities of all hues, the Commies and congress supporters and casteists of all hues and non Indians! do I see some thing funny here

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Wrong about ''no coverage in english media'' statement. Here it is...
by Ramesh on Jan 10, 2006 08:01 PM  Permalink 

March 22, 2005 Times of India
Rockets hit Pak temple
Quetta: Seventeen Hindus were killed when their temple was hit by rockets during fighting between renegade tribesmen and security force in a restive tribal town in southwestern Pakistan last week, a government official said on Monday. The fighting in the town of Dera Bugti erupted on Thursday after the tribesmen attacked a convoy of pickup trucks carrying paramilitary troops along a mountain road.

March 23, 2005 ToI:
Major crisis may be brewing in Pakistan province, says army.Sui: Even as a parliamentary delegation headed to a remote town in Pakistans southwest province of Baluchistan on Tuesday in an attempt to end a siege by hundreds of armed tribesmen, a local commander warned that a major crisis could be brewing there. Renegade tribesmen have surrounded some 300 soldiers, government officials and their families sheltering since Sunday at a fort in the town of Dera Bugti. Brig Salim Nawaz showed video images of what he said were tribesmen armed with rocket-propelled grenades and assault rifles ringing the base in Dera Bugti. A local official said around 5,000 tribesmen have taken up position.

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Truly Appaling: Thank you for bringing this to our notice
by Srinivas on Jan 10, 2006 03:00 AM  Permalink 

Hi Raviv,

Thanks a million for bringing this to our attention. Pleae keep up with your exceptional work.

With sincere wishes,

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