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attack on temple in baluchistan
by dr. a. j. khan on Feb 02, 2006 07:36 PM

It's very discouraging and disgusting to read articles such as these, no matter by mr. sriniwasana, an extremist muslim or an extremist follower of any religion. such people always kill their precious time to make a news out of nothing. indeed, there were casualties which is saddening, but it would have added more height to mr. sriniwasana had he seen through the humanitarian spectacle and reported/ analysed the same unbiasedly. i pray that mr. sriniwasana and people of such mentalities whether they are muslims, christians, jews or hindus, stop dividing humanbeing and rather support the oppressed, deprived and underprivilege human beings. May you learn to be unbiased and human. Please have mercy on ailing humanity.

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