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Demographic invasion of India
by soumya on Oct 23, 2009 04:05 PM  Permalink 

Greatest mistake was severing of Pakistan in 1971 with active involvement of India. Had it not been done this would have not happened. Perhaps our lady prime minister realized it immediately after committing this grave error. Infrustration they she bolstered another error by encouraging nuclear program and nuclear blast came in 1974 as a symbol of venitng out of frustration of futility of 1971 war of which Mrs Gandhi was responsible 100% as far as india's involvement is considered. Now newly created Bangladesh was certainly not a friend of India because had it been so it would have voted for accession to Secular India in 1947. Now infiltration process has achieved its purpose , in Assam last census results are not publilshed for fear of non muslim population. Assam , the proudest of Indian kingdoms that has successfully and valiantly twarted the muslims attacks could not withstand this demographic attack with the active connivance of corrupt indian politicians and administrative officers. At present Assam is SECOND MUSLIM STATE IN INDIA AFTER J&K

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Infiltration from Bangladesh
by Guest on Dec 25, 2008 04:20 PM  Permalink 

Now Bangladesh is creating danger for us .From Bangladesh here million people .this creating danger for our internal security.

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Don't write Fake
by Monwar on Jun 09, 2006 02:24 AM  Permalink 

For India, the eye-opener was in 2001 during the Tabligh e Jamat congregation in Dhaka. --

I don't believe that they speak against India. They don't care about any politics or any country. The Bangladeshi Prime minister and president are participating with their own interest. Tabligh doesn't call them.
I have a question to you, do you know where the president and the prime ministers seats after going over there?
You don't know ?
Then go next time and participate physically and listen care fully what they are talking about and who are delebrating the speech there.
Don't worry all the speach are in Hindi/urdu mixed kind of language first then translated into bengali.

80% of the speakers are from India itself. I you don't believe ask some one from india who is involved with Tabligh and participated there.

Don't speak Bull sheet like this which you don't know. That is why the general people are loosing the communal harmony.

Remember the qualifications and state rewards doesn't guarantee that some one is honest or good fellow.

Don't believe me ? Challenge !!!


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Interview of former IB cheif Mr Doval
by gopal on May 29, 2006 05:06 AM  Permalink 

Dear Editor,

In a atmoshpere of negative news all around,this man shows that there are people in the govt who are aware of what is happening and what has to be done to solve India's problems.

His clarity of both the problems and solutions was refreshing.

India is progressing because of the silent good work by hundreds of people tucked away into govt jobs at all levels.

My pranams to you all, that you get do to good in spite of the politician.

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Infiltration is a big threat
by Kailas on Apr 25, 2006 01:34 AM  Permalink 

Classic example of our politicians selling the country. My fellow countrymen! Wake up! Let us save our country! My heart bleeds for India.

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by Secular on Apr 23, 2006 12:17 PM  Permalink 

The article has very clearly driven the point home that illegal entry/ infiltration of Bangladeshis continues unabated, and the State Govts and the Centre have done very little to check this menace.
Indeed, some action were taken during the NDA's tenure, but it lacked teeth as the Congress and Left parties did not extend co-operation.

Now the UPA and the Left are only the onlookers and presumably they have no time to appreciate the gravity of this menace, as they are very much preoccupied with Quota/reservation/appeasement devices to increase their Vote Bank, at the expence of Nation's unity, integrity and security.

While Doval has helped the readers to understand this explosive danger gathering a serious proportion, it is not clear as to why such important persons open their mouth on such important issues only after retirement. Perhaps they could have made better contribution to the Nation, if they had opened their mouth while in power!

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An eye opener
by Raghuraj on Apr 22, 2006 12:35 PM  Permalink 

Thanks to Ajit Doval for this bold speak out an a burning issue neglected unfortunately by our politicians. Thanks to rediff.com for publishing this interview. Hope this article will help rediff readers get a better understanding of the grave situation arising from infiltration from Bangladesh. Hope our present Government realises the threat and acts in a tough manner by utilising the services of Ajit.

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The man Pak banks on
by labrea on Apr 21, 2006 11:12 PM  Permalink 

The Cong and Left parties are guilty of the the most heinous treachery - high treason - they are guilty of encouraging the infiltration of millions of illegal Muslims into the country for use as vote-banks. Today, both these selfish, shameless hypocrites are now talking of these illegals as the "problem", as though it's only a recent phenomenon - that they did weren't aware of it. Yeah, right! Cong and CPI are both traitors and, like the Naxals, should also be outlawed.

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