For India, the eye-opener was in 2001 during the Tabligh e Jamat congregation in Dhaka. --
I don't believe that they speak against India. They don't care about any politics or any country. The Bangladeshi Prime minister and president are participating with their own interest. Tabligh doesn't call them. I have a question to you, do you know where the president and the prime ministers seats after going over there? You don't know ? Then go next time and participate physically and listen care fully what they are talking about and who are delebrating the speech there. Don't worry all the speach are in Hindi/urdu mixed kind of language first then translated into bengali.
80% of the speakers are from India itself. I you don't believe ask some one from india who is involved with Tabligh and participated there.
Don't speak Bull sheet like this which you don't know. That is why the general people are loosing the communal harmony.
Remember the qualifications and state rewards doesn't guarantee that some one is honest or good fellow.