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The decline of Bangalore
by Kirti on Jan 21, 2006 09:18 PM  Permalink 

Bangalore is a wonderful place the politicians have ruined it. It has been destroyed systematically since 2002. It\'s become garbage city from what it was called as garden city.

No security ! No Power supply ! Miserable infrastructure ! No security for ladies look at hP rape case!
Let mr Murthy go out of bangalore. Narayan Murthy is person who bothers about his own IT-people and nothing else. Why doesnt he and Premji shift that IT nonsense out of here and make this place livable.

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by kirti on Jan 09, 2006 10:23 PM  Permalink 

yes bangalore has become one nighmare for girls. it is scapy with the hp employee getting raped. the culprit is still alive.
shame on bangalore

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Mirror image of past
by Bharat Dandekar on Dec 01, 2005 05:51 PM  Permalink 

I feel that Mr. H. D. Deve Gowda wants to take revenge of abrupt pullout of support to his ministry at the centre by Congress in 1996-1997. Presently he is murmuring in the same tune like Mr. Sitaram Kesari used to murmur during those days.

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Decline of bangalore
by Edwin Roshan on Oct 28, 2005 12:54 PM  Permalink 

Whether it is he Congress, BJP, or the JD there is going to be corruption .

We need leaders like Manmohan Sing, Krishna who are well educated and have a vision.

people get carried away with religion and politics while voting thats the major problem

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The decline of Bangalore
by John C on Oct 28, 2005 01:49 AM  Permalink 


I am reading a book 'The Lexus and the Olive Tree' by Thomas L Friedman,which helps understand Globalization and its effects in a better perspective.

Hope you all will enjoy reading the role of the Electronic Herd in this new ecomomy of Globalization.

John C

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Deve Gowda Vs Narayana Murthy
by Rajaram Narayana on Oct 27, 2005 11:09 PM  Permalink 

There is a slight typing error, Deve Gowda's party is JD(S)not JD(U). S.M. Krishna's administration has not found favor with the people so when the voters prefer a coalition of JD(S) and Congress the views of Deve Gowda has to be taken more seriously than Narayana Murthy or Vijay Mallya. IT industry is the major culprit in creating all the infrastructure woes by putting all the load on the cities civic amenities. So instead of criticising the elected representatives (Deve Gowda),the culprits (Narayana Murthy, Vijay Mallya) should take the responsibility of being proud Bangaloreans and work to improve the infrastructure.

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Corrupt Narayana Murty(Infosys)
by venkat on Oct 27, 2005 08:51 PM  Permalink 

Mr. Shenoy please have some common sense and local political knowlegde while commenting on banaglore in perticular and karnataka in general. Mr Shenoy has just commented on Mr Deve Gowda just for the sake of commenting, Mr Shenoy do have some rationale while commenting.
It is unfortunate that a leading portal like rediff has published an artical written by Mr Shenoy who does not even have a commensence which party Mr Deve Gowda is heading. I think Mr shenoy is a north indian who does not have a knowledge about karnataka politics and political leaders.
I hope in future rediff will not publish articals like this, with a person who does not a common knowledge about karnataka.

As for Mr Narayana Murty is concerned
1) Why Mr Naraya Murty(infosys) needs 850 acress of land in bangalore, while companys like wipro, honeywell, hp running under rented buildings.
2) Why Mr Narayana Murty should involve in polictics while Mr Azim Premji mind his business.
3) Why only congress leader supporting Mr Narayana Murty. That means some corrupt congress laeader have invested in infosys(shares).
4) Being a business person he should mind his business , he should not involve in destabilising governament

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need to be verifies
by Suresh on Oct 27, 2005 05:48 PM  Permalink 

Content has to be verified

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The decline of Bangalore
by Srikanth k on Oct 26, 2005 11:57 PM  Permalink 

The problem problem of decline of Bangalore is huge and complex and needs to be discussed,debated and rational/practical alternatives approaches/strategies developed for leading to master plan including short/medium /long term action plans.It would be worthwhile to associate reputed professionals, consultants and managers ,both Indian and international,to formulate them.
Meanwhile,the Govt and city corporation should create a unified infrastucture organisation to create new infrastructure and efficiently run & improve services and prioritisise and tackle problems faced by Bangaloreans.These include -bad roads& foot paths, and their frequent digging by various depts & companies, chaotic road trafic ,pedestrian safety,noisy & polluting vehicles,bicycles & animal drawn vehicles , animals on the road,garbage & litter,people urinating on roadside,etc-the list is quite long!

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