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Corrupt Narayana Murty(Infosys)
by venkat on Oct 27, 2005 08:51 PM

Mr. Shenoy please have some common sense and local political knowlegde while commenting on banaglore in perticular and karnataka in general. Mr Shenoy has just commented on Mr Deve Gowda just for the sake of commenting, Mr Shenoy do have some rationale while commenting.
It is unfortunate that a leading portal like rediff has published an artical written by Mr Shenoy who does not even have a commensence which party Mr Deve Gowda is heading. I think Mr shenoy is a north indian who does not have a knowledge about karnataka politics and political leaders.
I hope in future rediff will not publish articals like this, with a person who does not a common knowledge about karnataka.

As for Mr Narayana Murty is concerned
1) Why Mr Naraya Murty(infosys) needs 850 acress of land in bangalore, while companys like wipro, honeywell, hp running under rented buildings.
2) Why Mr Narayana Murty should involve in polictics while Mr Azim Premji mind his business.
3) Why only congress leader supporting Mr Narayana Murty. That means some corrupt congress laeader have invested in infosys(shares).
4) Being a business person he should mind his business , he should not involve in destabilising governament

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