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Information is my right
by Ashok Grover on Oct 21, 2005 12:04 PM  Permalink 

Respected Sir,

This act has been taken in fovour of public and it is very good indeed. We can now have a genuine knowledge of anything and any department [that come under this facility] and hold them responsible for the things they should have done but did nothing as usual.

Besides, people wander to and fro in search of their needed answers and iformations but nobody pays any heed to their queries. It makes them stranded.

I am very happy to have come to know about it.


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Information you want!
by vipul on Oct 21, 2005 11:45 AM  Permalink 

How idiot the journalists isn't it?? i thought only politicians are ppl who doesnt have brains but one more community.. either sold their pens or give their stupid opinions through the media. you want government must give u information which is so called right. such that no other country's intelligence beaurau need to sent their secret agents to our home country to get the info. they just have to read news papers or indian articles to get the details..
Still i m trying to wake up u ppl from deep sleep. dont be so stupid. we get independence once not all time.

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about complaints
by munish on Oct 21, 2005 11:41 AM  Permalink 

what if the information is not provided to us that is where can we complaint about this and what action will be taken for this.
Also is there any electronic medium for complaining about this.

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by p k mallick on Oct 21, 2005 11:37 AM  Permalink 

The article provides all the necessary information regarding the new Act. Really enlightening one.Sincere Thanks to Sheela Bhatt and George Lype.

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information is your right
by pankaj kumar shaw on Oct 21, 2005 11:04 AM  Permalink 

The right to information will pave the path to real democracy. We have suffered all these days since India became independent. That people below the poverty level will still have to beg in terms of money before they can assert their right to information . We apprehend they probably do not require any information nor to assert their right of information. The procedure overlooks the information required by the BPL since paying for the charges seems even beyond the middle class . Let the charges be more nonminal and free for the BPL group .;

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Issues related to the right to information act
by Sidhu on Oct 21, 2005 12:28 AM  Permalink 

Over all, it's a really great step in many ways, but a few issues which could lead to a real problem,

so if I have the information and complain against someone who was responsible for misuse of public funds, when will the law catch up with him, is it the normal wait-till-case-comes-up , if yes, how exactly is this law helping except increase the number of cases filed against corrupt officials, without any change in the system?

the payment details are cumbersone and create problems, who is supposed to be responsible in a dept. for contact in this regard, last time I was in a muncipal office to get my voter id, no one in the whole building new what the people in the adjacent room were responsible for or what their job was!! FOr two of my friends who lost their semester marks memos, two different police stations(40 km apart in two different muncipalities) asked for 100 Rs or a bundle of paper to give the written complaint, not a bribe in cash but in "kind", still a bribe, what if the same thing repeats whenever someone asks for "information" from a department.

Still the act can be termed a milestone and I sincerely hope we accelerate our positive growth....


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Ways to Use!
by Hari on Oct 20, 2005 11:01 PM  Permalink 

That was unbelievable not only in Indian standards...in any standards. I would appreciate articles suggesting different scenarios in which we can make use of this Act. Instances for all walks of life will be precious for a lot of people

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RTI? Ha ha ha heee heee hoo hoo
by avidnewsreader on Oct 20, 2005 07:32 PM  Permalink 

I think this act is hilarious though well intended.
Do you expect the PIO to be in place?Even if such a person is in place do u expect him to give in the info u need in time?

I think this act will result in time and money wasted....though i would be happy if it can bring real change....

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Right to Information Act
by Anubhav on Oct 20, 2005 06:38 PM  Permalink 

The right will certainly help "active" Indians to ask questions and seek replies from the government. But what provisions exist in today's gunda-raj. An example is given about the road being washed in the first rain and this scenario being quesitoned. But in a district where a few "powerful" people live, who will question them when we know that they can turn us down, by any and all means.

Anyways, the act seems really good, provided it is implemented in a fair manner. But in this age of IT we should have some sort of web-site to have people request the information they want by paying online, and also links to post the messages to the concerned department who can take care in case there is any "ghapla".

A greatly summarised article....

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