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Issues related to the right to information act
by Sidhu on Oct 21, 2005 12:28 AM

Over all, it's a really great step in many ways, but a few issues which could lead to a real problem,

so if I have the information and complain against someone who was responsible for misuse of public funds, when will the law catch up with him, is it the normal wait-till-case-comes-up , if yes, how exactly is this law helping except increase the number of cases filed against corrupt officials, without any change in the system?

the payment details are cumbersone and create problems, who is supposed to be responsible in a dept. for contact in this regard, last time I was in a muncipal office to get my voter id, no one in the whole building new what the people in the adjacent room were responsible for or what their job was!! FOr two of my friends who lost their semester marks memos, two different police stations(40 km apart in two different muncipalities) asked for 100 Rs or a bundle of paper to give the written complaint, not a bribe in cash but in "kind", still a bribe, what if the same thing repeats whenever someone asks for "information" from a department.

Still the act can be termed a milestone and I sincerely hope we accelerate our positive growth....


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