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Govt. apathy
by kanaka on Nov 23, 2005 02:56 PM  Permalink 

Kindly recollect the spate of abductions:
Rubaiyya Sayyed in J&K,three truck drivers in Iraq and the much-hyped Sarabjeet Singh in Pakistan.

In all these cases(Sarabjeet Singh's fate still unknown),the govt.,& the media stood solidly behind their families & eventually got them released unharmed.With due concern for their safety, their should be a blanket application of the rule for everyone.

Ms. Rubaiyya Sayyed's case was obvious for she had "heavy-weight" political backing; the three drivers were working for R C I Coolex,a Kuwait-based company, which nevertheless dragged the Govt. of India.The irony is when a Govt. of India Border Roads Organization employee Raman Kutty Maniappan was abducted, no efforts were made either by the Govt. or the media for his release. Is it because his families' voice from a remote village in Kerala could not be heard in the corridors of CENTRE?

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My deepest condolence to Maniappan's family
by Alvin on Nov 23, 2005 02:33 PM  Permalink 

I very sorry for the incident. I hope that the Indian Government and the companies who work in such areas take necessary precuations to avoid such cases.

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Very unfortunate incident
by Uday Rane on Nov 23, 2005 02:00 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This is a very unfortunate and sad incident. My heart goes out to the family of the deceased.. Just imagine their plight to realise that their breadwinner is gone for absolutely no fault of theirs.... This brings to the fore the situation in Kerala where thousands of poor are having to go to places as Godforsaken as Afganistan to make a living.. Politicization of the state, lack of industrial growth sends able bodied youngsters to move out. This has been the truth in Kerala for decades. When will all this change??
My condolences to the family. My heart truly bleeds for them in their hour of immense sorrow.

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RE:Very unfortunate incident
by kanaka menon on Nov 30, 2005 12:18 PM  Permalink
I fully agree to what Sidd said.Even West Bengal is opening up.It's the "unionised" politics of Kerala that has left the state "a money order" state.The people are also responsible for such state of affairs.Malayalam news has only to say what a "mantri" said, accused etc..In my state I see only mushrooming jewellery shops and cloth stores..no one thinks of investments,Electronic parks, BPOs etc.It's either poverty or consumption.

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Stupid Afghans! Why bother helping such congenital idiots!?
by Sidd on Nov 23, 2005 01:59 PM  Permalink 

Don't the Afghans have an iota of sense? Shooting people come to help them?

This way, its hardly surprising that they're poor as doormouses. Well, if this is the general level of an Afghan's intelligence, their entire race deserves no better.

As a malayalee myself, the blame for our men going to dangerous places lies with Kerala's apathetic administration and trade-union driven politics, which has destroyed my state into a money order economy.At least, if industry were allowed to survive in the state with some idiot leader striking and driving the company out of the place, Maniyappan would not have had to go to the middle of a godforsaken desert to be killed by some retarded hyper-religious maniac.

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My Condolence
by Vinod T S on Nov 23, 2005 01:45 PM  Permalink 

Deepest condolence to the family of Mr. Maniappan.
i hoped he will be brought safe.....but not.

God Please Perish those who killed him......
plz ensure others safety.

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