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Stupid Afghans! Why bother helping such congenital idiots!?
by Sidd on Nov 23, 2005 01:59 PM

Don't the Afghans have an iota of sense? Shooting people come to help them?

This way, its hardly surprising that they're poor as doormouses. Well, if this is the general level of an Afghan's intelligence, their entire race deserves no better.

As a malayalee myself, the blame for our men going to dangerous places lies with Kerala's apathetic administration and trade-union driven politics, which has destroyed my state into a money order economy.At least, if industry were allowed to survive in the state with some idiot leader striking and driving the company out of the place, Maniyappan would not have had to go to the middle of a godforsaken desert to be killed by some retarded hyper-religious maniac.

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Maniappan''s body found: Police