Why the Govt. waited so long to take action ?
by saj on Nov 23, 2005 03:31 PM Permalink | Hide replies
another life ? Can the government bring the life back to kutty ? I hope and wish the Govt. act more responsibile to save our life instead of paying 10lakhs to the family!
This is annoying and frustrating, an Indian citizen is killed for no fault of his, he is not an army personnel, he was not carrying weapons, was not carrying any secret information but was just a driver carrying some stuff for a company. Is'nt their anything that the govt. of India do? I know this might seem childish for the govt. to give an open threat to Taliban saying that we will send in our Army but c'mon thats an innocent Indian we are talking about. Is an Indians life so pathetic that when u r kidnapped their is nothing that our govt. will do? Why does'nt the govt. ask the Americans to provide more security to these truck drivers who are always targeted. I'm sure those Gun Weilding Idiotic Cowboys Government wud jump at the fact that they will get a chance to shoot more BAD Guys. I was disappointed when we traded terrorists for the 180 or so passengers at Khandahar, instead of sending our best armed personnel to do the job. Coz it took a lot of sacrifices from our army to capture those terrorists and now we also know what those terrorists have done since their release. They have killed more than a 100 army personnel. Can't we do anything at all. .Indian Concerned Like Hell.
I am yet to see another country that takes such little ownership of its own people. All that we can do is talk the big words of peace!!! And when it comes to even the smallest of hostage situations we fail!! I dont know that this super power big talk is about... what is border roads org doing in Afghanistan anyway...as if they are more required there than India itself!! I have been in Singapore for sometime and I can tell you...that as an Indian you can die here and then too the Indian embasssy will collect your body after 3 weeks if you are lucky...whereas the tiny little philipines will appoint a lawyer for its citizen maid accused of a murder in less than 24 hours...thats how it is...It is just too sad being an Indian outside India.
softy stae called INDIA will always have outrage and no action
by smajumder on Nov 23, 2005 03:03 PM Permalink | Hide replies
The PM must apolgize to the family for the false hope. PM must apologize to the nation for serving Afganistan which is stage managed by US and where Taliban dictat still rules. PM must apologize to HIMSELF for trying to be a PM with no real power. We must go and bomb the freaking Talibans. But when a foreign minister accompanies a Terrorist for a deal ; what else do you expect
softy state called INDIA will always have outrage and no action
by smajumder on Nov 23, 2005 03:03 PM Permalink | Hide replies
The PM must apolgize to the family for the false hope. PM must apologize to the nation for serving Afganistan which is stage managed by US and where Taliban dictat still rules. PM must apologize to HIMSELF for trying to be a PM with no real power. We must go and bomb the freaking Talibans. But when a foreign minister accompanies a Terrorist for a deal ; what else do you expect