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India is being taken for granted...
by Srikanth on Nov 23, 2005 03:11 PM

This is annoying and frustrating, an Indian citizen is killed for no fault of his, he is not an army personnel, he was not carrying weapons, was not carrying any secret information but was just a driver carrying some stuff for a company.
Is'nt their anything that the govt. of India do? I know this might seem childish for the govt. to give an open threat to Taliban saying that we will send in our Army but c'mon thats an innocent Indian we are talking about. Is an Indians life so pathetic that when u r kidnapped their is nothing that our govt. will do? Why does'nt the govt. ask the Americans to provide more security to these truck drivers who are always targeted. I'm sure those Gun Weilding Idiotic Cowboys Government wud jump at the fact that they will get a chance to shoot more BAD Guys.
I was disappointed when we traded terrorists for the 180 or so passengers at Khandahar, instead of sending our best armed personnel to do the job. Coz it took a lot of sacrifices from our army to capture those terrorists and now we also know what those terrorists have done since their release. They have killed more than a 100 army personnel.
Can't we do anything at all.
.Indian Concerned Like Hell.

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