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US Bossism
by Manoj on May 11, 2005 08:19 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

As the author mentioned lets not bid for those airplanes. India has enough capability to indegenously develop advanced aircrafts. When India could design spacecrafts then why not fighter planes. If not the US then we have other friendly countries like France, Italy and Israel to provide us with technology. Lets stop depending on US.

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RE:US Bossism
by ram on Aug 24, 2005 04:05 PM  Permalink
all of them in our gov r not stupids policy makers in us. infact we r building our own stealth fighter druv.which is it self is capable of difying radars and also made for indian conditions and also nuke capable and fully designed by indian minds. then y v need old f16s.of thos stupids.who r diiffited by our
air force in cope india.

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first why we bitching at US ?
by hardeep on May 11, 2005 03:02 AM  Permalink 

First.........I think we should strengthen our economy FIRST.when our economy is strong we are strong , India has HUGE potential, for every american there r 3.5 Indians...that can give some idea about how Indians can cash on its number.We just need to improve our quality.
Make our country strong and mighty because when u r strong u r respected .So be strong and make THEM bend before us, no need to complain to any one why we cant have UNSC.If we r strong we can get or say "SNATCH" UNSC.
So first why we bitch at US ?, be strong and make THEM bend before our MIGHT !!!!!!!!!!!
The scene will change in next 10-20 yrs dramatically.

US will pursue its own intrests, and one of its intrests is supporting pakistan.Here too US will repent supporting Pakistan.US knows VERY WELL pakistan is safest heaven for all terrorists.Most of terrorists r caught in pak not afghanistan (for example No3 Al-Qaida recently caught in pak).
US want to make India sign CTBT,but it didnt take ANY actions when pakistan's nuke scientist AQ Khan sold nuke secrets to some irresponsible countries like iteslf.
US has to take this in mind that those nukes can hit themselves sometime.

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How to bend US ?
by O E on Apr 02, 2005 07:49 AM  Permalink 

India, just befriend and try to supply nukes to North Korea, Iran, Cuba and Libya. You will be respected by US and you will get what you want. Try to pose like Pakistan, India will be benefitted.
Start some madrasas, US will love you.
Encourage a duplicate Khan, US will hug you and blame the duplicate Khan. there is no other way to deal with US. Never declare that you wont attack first. Tell that you will use nukes on US. Then US will love you.
Is it not the way? dumb heads !!!

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How to bend US ?
by O E on Apr 02, 2005 07:48 AM  Permalink 

India, just befriend and try to supply nukes to North Korea, Iran, Cuba and Libya. You will be respected by US and you will get what you want. Try to pose like Pakistan, India will be benefitted.
Start some madrasas, Us will love you.
Encourage a duplicate Khan, US will hug you and blame the duplicate Khan. there is no other way to deal with US. Never declare that you wont attack first. Tell that you will use nukes on US. Then US will love you.
Is it not the way? , dumb heads !!!

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Why care about US/West?
by Desiben on Apr 02, 2005 02:27 AM  Permalink 

Why care about US/West. They realize that India has the potential to be an economic powerhouse so drain some of those reserves in useless aircrafts etc.
All Pakistan has ever done is "Anti India" and the world knows that. What does Pakistan hope to achieve by getting these F-16s. Drop a nuke on the sly? Then what?
a. Warn the world (UN) that India will seek full damages for the supplier of the planes/ aircrafts used by Pakistan for dropping the nukes.
b. Let Pakistan know unequivocally (if it already does not know yet) that should they persist their idiotic dream, entire Pakistan will be nuked. There will be no room for any mistakes on their part. No sorry, no Oops!
Then just sit back and continue working for the welfare of Indians while Pakistanis spend their last borrowed dime on weapons they cannot use.

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Tricky Game
by Rajarshi Dutta on Apr 01, 2005 11:07 AM  Permalink 

India has to play this tricky game very carefully.
US uses China to contain Soviet Union now may be trying to contain China by using India at the same trying using Pakistan to contain India (looking at the long term view). So play this game only if it interests us or ditch the Americans whose only manatra is "Self Rule and Self Interest".

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Tricky Game
by Rajarshi Dutta on Apr 01, 2005 11:05 AM  Permalink 

India has to play this tricky game very carefully.
US uses China to contain Soviet Union now may be trying to contain China by using India at the same trying using Pakistan to contain India (looking at the long term view). So play this game only if it interests us or ditch the Americans whose only manatra is "Self Rule and Self Interest".

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Bush is the most dangerous terrorist.
by Vinod on Mar 31, 2005 11:12 AM  Permalink 

selling f-16 to pak US president is trying to start weapon race in south asia.But bush must mind one thing that"one who plays with fire,often burn his own hands".
Bush says that he is fighting against the terrorism,but actually he is helping out the most dangerous terrorist like paki dictator pervez by selling those dengerous weapons to them.
What i think is that bush has to pay for his sins later or sooner.
As for as india is concern, people have made lots of attempts to harm it but india had always stood tallest
from last 10,000 years.
Despite the several attempts from US india will walk on the path of progress and soon will be the most powerful nation of the world.

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Awesome Article
by Devesh on Mar 31, 2005 04:51 AM  Permalink 

A great article which shows what is in mind of us Indians and we have not taken this matter jokingly.

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