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first why we bitching at US ?
by hardeep on May 11, 2005 03:02 AM

First.........I think we should strengthen our economy FIRST.when our economy is strong we are strong , India has HUGE potential, for every american there r 3.5 Indians...that can give some idea about how Indians can cash on its number.We just need to improve our quality.
Make our country strong and mighty because when u r strong u r respected .So be strong and make THEM bend before us, no need to complain to any one why we cant have UNSC.If we r strong we can get or say "SNATCH" UNSC.
So first why we bitch at US ?, be strong and make THEM bend before our MIGHT !!!!!!!!!!!
The scene will change in next 10-20 yrs dramatically.

US will pursue its own intrests, and one of its intrests is supporting pakistan.Here too US will repent supporting Pakistan.US knows VERY WELL pakistan is safest heaven for all terrorists.Most of terrorists r caught in pak not afghanistan (for example No3 Al-Qaida recently caught in pak).
US want to make India sign CTBT,but it didnt take ANY actions when pakistan's nuke scientist AQ Khan sold nuke secrets to some irresponsible countries like iteslf.
US has to take this in mind that those nukes can hit themselves sometime.

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US tells India, drop dead