Three years after the violence, no one has been brought to justice. India condemns US visa decision, BBC.
Where Justice is yet to be delivered, the aforesaid mantra can be an epitome to injustice. Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral. The medicine to be applied for this wound is through the judicial system. Activism towards its fulfillment should not be seen as unnecessary scratching, but necessary reminding for the medicines required. Reminding that the people behind the carnage are still at large and justice awaits them. Let a persons day begin with every mention of injustices around the world for people to be aware. 'Forgive and forget it yaar,' comes after deliverance of such justice, abstracts to rehabilitate the minds thirsty for vengeance. Until then, seek to remind ourselves
I dont understand why the media keeps bringing up old issues time and again. We as Indian's want of forget it and work together.But most of the columnists are not creative enough to write on a futuristic positive subject.Instead they dig into history and rub salt on healing wounds. Every year thousands of US visas are rejected in India.Whatever the reasons for the rejection, they are not always justifiable.Modi's is one more...whats the big deal. Mr Raman, write on subjects which will help motivate an individual towards unity and growth.That would be beneficial for more if not everyone.
Its quite strange that people with the thoughts of B.Raman get into writing articles and post it on As a Indian dont we all feel ashamed that such cases of killings happen under the rule of "Jawaharlal Nehru, Rajiv Gandhi, Narasimha Rao or Modi" I being a NRI feel ashamed to say that it happens in my country Which i say is gifted with Religious tolerance and great culture and we people here project India as a great country and articles encourages hatred for other religions. Be an example and tell on the face that yeah Nehru and company was wrong so was Modi and lets set an example by showing Modi the door and people power by throwing him out 'better now than late'. Try to host article which show national intigrity rather than hatred people search rediff website trusting it not being biased. On the issue of being denied visa by US " This country on the first hand has the maximum number of Human Rights violations I think even more than what was done by Hitler against jews they attack Japan, Vietnam, Afghanistan and the most recent Iraq. They have no right to call others Human Rights violaters.
Dear Sir, After reading the entire article by Mr.Raman on highlighting the Christian conspiracy behind the denial of the US visa to Mr.Modi, I believe, he had been hired by the RSS themselves. He is trying to parallel the action of Modi during the Gujarat riots with the action taken by the successive congress governments and their leaders. I am wondering why he left out Mahatma Gandhi and could have made him too same along with Modi. Modi isn't a leader of a state, but of a small fraction of a community and it has been proved clearly through his past actions. Even if it is the Christian lobby trying to stop the visa to Modi, I don't see it as an insult but rather it is sending the strong message that business and relegion does not go hand in hand as Modi thinks. If the so called Christian states has not stopped Shri Ravishankar, Amritanandamayi and the others who spread Hinduism in the west through 'art of living', 'yoga' etc., I think the secular India should think in the Western sense the same. Hope Mr.Raman got the message. Dr.Thomas.
Reading the article by Mr. Raman reminded me of an story about frogs in a beaker. The frogs from India could never come out of the beaker, while those from other countries, in separate beakers easy came out. When observed closely, it was found that these frogs used to bring down the other in order to climb up, while other frogs used their combined energy to get every one up, the frogs in Indian beaker used their energies to bring down the one on top. There can be no greater example of democracy in any other part of world than in ours. We have all kind of rights in the world to have an opinion, and this is exactly what has happened in the case of Mr. Modi. He is an elected representative of a state of India and has been elected in a electio guranteed by the constitution, not like other countries where people use their power to rewrite the constitution to suite their personal needs. India is a secular country and unfortunate incidents like riots between communities can only be stopped if we do not get into the cries of these pseudo-seculars who claim pride in cursing their country and country men in front of foreigners and give wrong impression about Indian culture and society.