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I agree with you Mr. Raman
by Sudhindra on Mar 23, 2005 08:11 PM

Reading the article by Mr. Raman reminded me of an story about frogs in a beaker. The frogs from India could never come out of the beaker, while those from other countries, in separate beakers easy came out. When observed closely, it was found that these frogs used to bring down the other in order to climb up, while other frogs used their combined energy to get every one up, the frogs in Indian beaker used their energies to bring down the one on top.
There can be no greater example of democracy in any other part of world than in ours. We have all kind of rights in the world to have an opinion, and this is exactly what has happened in the case of Mr. Modi. He is an elected representative of a state of India and has been elected in a electio guranteed by the constitution, not like other countries where people use their power to rewrite the constitution to suite their personal needs.
India is a secular country and unfortunate incidents like riots between communities can only be stopped if we do not get into the cries of these pseudo-seculars who claim pride in cursing their country and country men in front of foreigners and give wrong impression about Indian culture and society.

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Modi''s visa denial: Who did it?