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Do not agree
by Rahul on Mar 22, 2005 07:16 AM  Permalink 

I started reading Raman's article but had to give up as the article was more anti-modi hence it diverted from the core topic. I believe USA has not right to interfere in India's political matters. What happens inside India should not be anyone's business? When USA couldn't be stopped to invade Iraq and that is more of a global incident noone has any right to interfere in another country's political matters. Now whether Modi was right or wrong is not important at this time. I think a democratically elected government leader was denied permission to enter country and that is what is wrong. I beleive India should give a befitting reply by denying visas to USA's politicians on the context of past racist activities, etc or even for the killings in Iraq and Afghanistan. Mushraff never controlled spread terrorism in India why he is always an important guest in USA. India need to grew stronger and take bold decisions in order to create a strong place in the world affairs.

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Very enlightening and insightful article
by Bhaumin on Mar 22, 2005 07:11 AM  Permalink 

We need a lot more journalists/columnists like you in the mainstream Indian media, to expose and oust these liberal and pseudo-secularist elites who will say and do anything to achieve their own selfish interests. If they are not fought and defeated with strong intellectual force soon, they will even *sell* our nation one day to our ENEMIES in order to achieve their mean selfish goals.

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Problem is in u guys
by Indian Lover on Mar 22, 2005 07:05 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Problem is in people like u..If this had been done by some other people you would come out and say its killing democracy..But as its done by stalwart of BJP who has given you false pride in killing inncent Muslims..Why you are up to defending this filthy guy, can u tell me..lets talk staright ok..No one supports Klu Klax Clan, Al Quieda type of organization..But whenever anyone says anything against VHP,RSS type of organization and people like Modi, you guys vent on supporting him..hopeless you guys are..I think its time people take notice of people like u who is intellectual behind these religious dogma..Dont try to hide behind the veil of Hindu protectivenss..

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RE:Problem is in u guys
by Varun Shekhar on Apr 16, 2005 01:21 AM  Permalink

There is no organic or physical link or similarity between the RSS or VHP on the one hand, and the Ku Klux Klan and Al Queda on the other. These analogies are made by people who are a) trying to sound cool or b) who are simply grotesquely ignorant. The KKK and Osama are far, far more ideologically hard-edged than the so called right wing Hindu groups. They are much more willing and inclined to use relentless violence as a means of achieving their goals than the Indian organizations you mention.

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by harish on Mar 22, 2005 07:01 AM  Permalink 

Thats ur argument? Some christian priests ganged up against Modi..If its evangelists who were influencing someone's visa process, they should have given Modi a multiple entry visa for his entire life-time for what he did to muslims!

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wrong point of view
by ashish sinha on Mar 22, 2005 06:58 AM  Permalink 

I have some comments on the points raised by author. First of all in all the previous cases he cited, the person in office acted in a responsible manner. Never did it seem that they used the state machinery to harm the victims of riots.

In the case of narendra modi, he openly suppressed the minorities. "Everyaction has an equal and opposite reaction","I am a hindu first and chiefminister second". Is this the kind of statements expected form a person who is under oath of the indian constitution to equally protect the rights of peple of his state. Alright if he is a hindu first. Then he shud immediately resign from his post and jump with a trishul on the road. Why to misuse your office to meet your ignoble whims and fancies.

This is the point that separates all the other cases from the case of Narendra Modi. And unfortunately no body in India dared to come out gaianst him or prosecute him or punish him. Now if US does it , its only a blessing in disguise to the many who have sufferred coz of him and to the many who could only wish if modi would ever realize what he has done.

We should be ashamed , not because US did it, but because the Indians couldnt do it.


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You are right in many aspects BUT
by Bob on Mar 22, 2005 06:36 AM  Permalink 

There is no point in comparing Mughal empire's rule to the present ones. It is more than likely that the decisions what we take today may not be the same as the ones we take tomorrow. That is what people call as progression. In olden days people Hunt for food but nowadays go to the markets to get food.There is no comparision. The list of leaders whom you have mentioned are not any better than Modi. They may have been ruling when violence occured but the actions we take is what makes a great leader. So in any standards Modi is not a leader. There are people who would say NO he is a great leader. But being a minority, i would not say so. He is in that seat in the name of Ram and not because of what he has done to Gujarat. That is how BJP has won votes and has to rely on Lord Ram to be voted back to grab those lost seats. The so called BJP never had an agenda other than demolishing a list of mosques. These so called leaders (every party) are worried about their seats and not at all worried about the improvements needed by the needy. For the country to progress, that is what is important and not why Modi was not given a Visa. It is least important.

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Misplaced Pride
by vsd on Mar 22, 2005 06:14 AM  Permalink 


I am one of Mr. Bush's vocal opponents amongst my friends. What Bush did in Iraq is certainly condemnable. But it is one thing to violate human rights through a badly planned war, and quite another to consciously allow mass genocide of your OWN countrymen.

I lived in Baroda once, and I know people who begged for help during riots and were told about "orders" not to get involved! Please elaborate, what did Mr. Modi assert by allowing the shameless rape of pregnant women. The people who caused Godhra or any anti-Hindu activity are still freely moving around. It must take a really cowardly Hindu to let that happen, and to knowingly allow such ruthless and beastly acts.

Are you a person who feels proud because of the raping and killing of helpless women? And would that in anyway affect the cold blooded Muslim fanatics and jihadis ? They dont give a damn, and they just got more fodder for voilence; and then, the vicious cycle goes on. You are nothing but a "so-called Hindu" (like the "so-called secularists") to feel pride for this.

A concerned citizen

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1984 Carnage
by Rajiv on Mar 22, 2005 06:02 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I would like to correct the statement made by author that dozens of Sikhs were killed in 1984 carnage in delhi. Correct figure is something between 2600-3000. Plz don't try to change the facts in order to prove your point.Such cheap things are not expected from person of your strature.
- Rajiv Balyan, USA

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RE:1984 Carnage
by karus on Mar 22, 2005 04:18 PM  Permalink
Even 2600-3000 can be calculated in dozens...between 215-217 dozen to be precise.

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