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Do not agree
by Rahul on Mar 22, 2005 07:16 AM

I started reading Raman's article but had to give up as the article was more anti-modi hence it diverted from the core topic. I believe USA has not right to interfere in India's political matters. What happens inside India should not be anyone's business? When USA couldn't be stopped to invade Iraq and that is more of a global incident noone has any right to interfere in another country's political matters. Now whether Modi was right or wrong is not important at this time. I think a democratically elected government leader was denied permission to enter country and that is what is wrong. I beleive India should give a befitting reply by denying visas to USA's politicians on the context of past racist activities, etc or even for the killings in Iraq and Afghanistan. Mushraff never controlled spread terrorism in India why he is always an important guest in USA. India need to grew stronger and take bold decisions in order to create a strong place in the world affairs.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Modi''s visa denial: Who did it?