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by sathyanathan kambil on Mar 22, 2005 10:39 AM  Permalink 

Mr. Raman has correctly analysed the reason behind the denial of Visa to Mr. Modi which very few people have done so far. Most of the people are carried away by the american reasoning.


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Modi's visa denial
by Sanjiv on Mar 22, 2005 10:29 AM  Permalink 

This comes from a distinguished leader of intelligence community. Should be an eye opener to Bidwais, Setlewads and sundry secularists.

Modi is only an excuse. The new secretary of state taking advantage of idealogogical muddle in India and weak leadership on fopreign policy issues has indicated the notorious tilt which was first effected by Nixon/Kissinger. Mediocre presidents and ambitious diplomats is a dangerous cocktail. Rice seems to follow the footsteps of the famous Howard Professor, in all possible manner.

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The enemy within
by Sriram on Mar 22, 2005 10:29 AM  Permalink 

Excellent article, Mr. Raman. India's biggest enemies are Indians themselves.

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You are wrong mR. Raman
by Devang on Mar 22, 2005 10:21 AM  Permalink 

You shuold be proud of Mr. Modi that he is keeping his dignity and proud for the state as well as Nation. I am sorry to say mr. Raman there is no proof that he was involved in Godhara incident.
He did a great job for Gujarat then any other CM did it so far. Please don't be biased

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Nationalism in the electronic age
by Gauzbig on Mar 22, 2005 10:13 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It was distressing reading B Raman's column.His well intentioned though misplaced concept of what is anti-national actions is anachronistic in this electronic age.

Human rights are not a cottage industry. Not any longer. They unite people accross religions (and atheists) and accross national boundaries. They are a global endeavour actively supported by the reach of the internet and international organisations.

Human rights violation are reason for UN intervention (the only aspect that in international law overrides sovereignity).Hence, Raman's view that violation of human rights is purely a domestic matter is incorrect.

In any case,what kind of nationalism winks at injustice and is unperturbed by attempts at thwarting justice?

What kind of nationalism is callous when weak and defenceless people are brutally subject to rape and murder for thier religion and the administrative machinery is used to cover up the crimes?

Human rights in the information age is an international concern. There is no way we can get away from this reality claiming it as an internal matter.

Using nationalism as a device to throttle global aspirations for human rights is disingenuous.

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Message to B raman
by Raj on Mar 22, 2005 10:12 AM  Permalink 

B raman: U are a right wing thug and on their pay roll. Shame on you.

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is the author is a modi supportor
by carol on Mar 22, 2005 10:03 AM  Permalink 

this article seems mr. raman is a bjp activist and he point out fault of others and protecting his leader . this is like a anaphylis patient who cover his leg in soil and ridicule other similar patient of same disease.
wahtever happends in gujrat is not acceptable and judgable . writers like raman is justifying modi sab's activities with some black days in the past. Or he is telling that we can have such more gujrat ?

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by Siddharth on Mar 22, 2005 09:55 AM  Permalink 

Can't believe the lack of judgment posed by such an article. What is the justification given by this article ? Since we have not done it before hence we should not do it ever. Wow !! So lets all sit together and watch grave violations of human rights and never do anything because it has never been done before !!
I believe US denying visa to Narendra Modi is like setting a precedent and an example to other nations that if we are united in seeking justice it shall prevail. Instead of pointing fingers at US, i think its time we do something about our issues.

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