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Nationalism in the electronic age
by Gauzbig on Mar 22, 2005 10:13 AM

It was distressing reading B Raman's column.His well intentioned though misplaced concept of what is anti-national actions is anachronistic in this electronic age.

Human rights are not a cottage industry. Not any longer. They unite people accross religions (and atheists) and accross national boundaries. They are a global endeavour actively supported by the reach of the internet and international organisations.

Human rights violation are reason for UN intervention (the only aspect that in international law overrides sovereignity).Hence, Raman's view that violation of human rights is purely a domestic matter is incorrect.

In any case,what kind of nationalism winks at injustice and is unperturbed by attempts at thwarting justice?

What kind of nationalism is callous when weak and defenceless people are brutally subject to rape and murder for thier religion and the administrative machinery is used to cover up the crimes?

Human rights in the information age is an international concern. There is no way we can get away from this reality claiming it as an internal matter.

Using nationalism as a device to throttle global aspirations for human rights is disingenuous.

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