It looks like you speak out of hatred and grudge. Sorry to say this, but this article lacks rationale and proper justification of events mentioned. You need to think with an un-prejudiced mind and not with a religious (Hindu-Muslim-Christian) frame of mind. Sad article. Thats all that I can say.
We know that old adage: 'Patriotism is the last refuge of Scoundrels'... Makes one think, what is the first refuge? Yes, u have guessed it right, the 1st place goes to: "Secularism"! Good men can rule a society properly even without any formal law or regulations, but evil forces can distort even the most carefully prepared constitution. That's what happened to India. All 'ism' and 'phylosophy' has become mere tools for criminal politicians to perpetuate their evil presense. We have seen the distortion of Nationalism at the hands of Adolf Hitler when he wiped Europe clean of Jewry, we have seen Communism to be distorted by Joseph Stalin when he banished humanity to Gulag, and today we have to witness the rape of Secularism at the hands of '(Pseudo)-Secular' soundrels.
the writer has clearly demonstrated that though in the beginning he hated Modi for what happened in Gujarat he later turned his ire on the US without taking into consideration what the minority communities in India go through on a day to day is only when a Hindu or for that matter a non chrisitian goes into the western world and gets a piece of what it feels like to be a minority will he know what the Indian minorities have to go through in India
Excellent article ! Well composed may be some more facts could be included such as (1)Pak supporting the terrorists in Kashmir to drive Hindus out, (b) US war against Vietnam, Iran, Afgansitan, Iraq, even to extend of bullying UN, etc. - but no human rights / genocide war can be dared declared against US - shame :( and add to it our so called secular / liberal / human rights - want such criminal to intervene into our National affair. These so called bodies be declared anti-national immediately.
I strongly support the views expressed Mr. Raman in his article. It is the Indians who insult Indians at the hands of a foriegner. Even the King Porus lost the battle because of Raja Jayachanrda supporting enimies. Our psuedo secularists should be taught with proper lesson else one day we will be ruled by muslims or foreigners.
Author comments on the topic to the point and has brought out the realistic bitter truth which everyone of us know very well but are never ever able to accept it. Still today, we need to fight for ourself but this fight has to be for the enimies who resides in our own country and becomes selfish just for few pennies and their own progress. Political loopholes have always been the biggest wall to restrict the countries progress. YES, IN THIS CASE WE NEED TO LEARN LESSONS.
It was a great article. Everybody has now started blaming hindus without knowing the truth. They are real hypocrits. The ones opposing Modi's entry in US should not be given permission to enter India.