We know that old adage: 'Patriotism is the last refuge of Scoundrels'... Makes one think, what is the first refuge? Yes, u have guessed it right, the 1st place goes to: "Secularism"! Good men can rule a society properly even without any formal law or regulations, but evil forces can distort even the most carefully prepared constitution. That's what happened to India. All 'ism' and 'phylosophy' has become mere tools for criminal politicians to perpetuate their evil presense. We have seen the distortion of Nationalism at the hands of Adolf Hitler when he wiped Europe clean of Jewry, we have seen Communism to be distorted by Joseph Stalin when he banished humanity to Gulag, and today we have to witness the rape of Secularism at the hands of '(Pseudo)-Secular' soundrels.