Kahuta theory, however weird and deplorable at that time, seems to be proving effectively and driving hard into the heads of the heads of the states whose people have lost lives and subjected also to loss of property and incalculable damage to their well-being.
The General should be warned without mincing words that next time around when there is an episode anywhere on the globe, the training grounds will be bombed heavily and destroyed by the allied forces.
And if there is recurrence of terrorism even their capital city could be devasted with extensive bombardment.
General will hardly come to his senses without such a step considered by the rest of the kaffir world.
The best thing to do initially would be to consult Israel on this matter.
They know the best how to handle these non-kaffirs.
democracy,free will,women freedom
by secular man on Oct 02, 2005 01:54 AM Permalink
y is a constitution of islamic nation drawn on basis of Kuran? y cant there be human laws for all its citizens-simple basic laws,court of law,justice based on humanity? islamic nations only think of Kuran and 4get that there are non-believers in Kuran also in musilim nations.
Why do we have to live in a world of threats of any time any where attcks and they have to live under threats of politically correct counter attacks? Can we not live peacefully?
Sir, No doubt U.S and U.K the powerful countries at international level. Now when causalities have taken place in the powerful countries, then clouds of the sadness,tension and worry began to spread over the the sky of the world. But attention is paid on the daily encounters and terroristics activites in Srinagar, Punch, Rajouri, Doda, Badharwal, Anantnag and others related districts of the state. Countless or numbersless persons are killed by the terrorists daily,but no specail attention is paid or no operation are started for this. but when the question comes at the international level then disturbance came in the way of even international meetings. Why this Happened so.???????????????????
Al Queda may or may not be responsible for this attack but one can easily make out that this attack is in retaliation to what US and UK have done in Iraq and Afganistan. I offer condolenses to the people killed in London as well as those killed in Iraq. These are the actions of a few crooks sitting in the position of power with their policy to hold onto power as long as they can. Ultimately they are not the ones who pay the price. This price is being paid by the people who are fighting on both the sides. I feel the worst thing these leader are doing is when they call these acts as "Islamic Extremism". Associating these terrorists with the religion which followed by more that 1.3 billion people all around the worlds is only going to create more hatred in muslims as well as non-muslims and divide the world. The terrorist don't follow any religion because no religion preaches you to kill innoscent people.
RE:Al Queda again
by Jack Walters on Aug 05, 2005 03:09 AM Permalink
If terrorism is justified by the Iraqi War, what justified the 9-11 attacks (which took place prior to Afghanistan and Iraq)? No. If all terrorist attacks are well justified, then what did India do to deserve the hijackings, bombings and attacks? It is a fool's errand to take the side of the terrorists against your own. But the world was never short of fools, I suppose.
Terrorism begets war. It is not a consequence of war. Read Bin Laden's book. He wants a war. He is not responding to Sadam being removed from power.