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It is time the affected nations make a collective approach.
by chanakya on Jul 15, 2005 03:42 PM

The best would be to retaliate at the epicenter.

Kahuta theory, however weird and deplorable at that time, seems to be proving effectively and driving hard into the heads of the heads of the states whose people have lost lives and subjected also to loss of property and incalculable damage to their well-being.

The General should be warned without mincing words that next time around when there is an episode anywhere on the globe, the training grounds will be bombed heavily and destroyed by the allied forces.

And if there is recurrence of terrorism even their capital city could be devasted with extensive bombardment.

General will hardly come to his senses without such a step considered by the rest of the kaffir world.

The best thing to do initially would be to consult Israel on this matter.

They know the best how to handle these non-kaffirs.

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