The National Government of Sri Lanka has to immediately settle the dispute with the L.T.T.E., not due to the pressure of L.T.T.E.'s violence, but due to the reality of historical background of the Tamil settlement in certain areas of Sri Lanka for several years now! Ancient Tamil literature also talks about a huge settlement of Tamils in a broader land called "KAPATAPURAM" comprising of Sri Lanka and land connecting India with Sri Lanka which had immersed into sea water years ago which is present Bay of Mannar! Such rational settlement will go a long way in not only the return of lost peace but also in saving many more thousand lives!
Mr B.Raman, It's deep regret that you didn't include EVEN the recent atrocities of the Sri Lankan govermnet 1. The state sponsored terrorism of killing Jounalists like Mr Sivaram (Tharaki) 2. Rape and murder of a teenage girl(Tharsini) by Sri Lankan Naval personnel (There are many such instances and pointing out only one) 3. Countless abductions, rape, murder and targetted assasinations of civilians by Sri Lanka 4. Attack against Jaffna Varsity Vice Chancellor and students 5. Now killing of the Member of Parliment
It's to be noted that ONLY after the utter failure of nearly 30 years of peaceful struggles and demonstrations have made the tamil groups to take arms to get the FUNDAMENTAL rights.
! LTTE should not be supported by any indian, based on the regional fealing. Because india has already lost 1800 soldiers,killed by LTTE. we lost great indian leader ever. Well if still Indian tamil politicians supports LTTE means indirectly they are going to hurt the sovereign of srilankans. The terror should not be permitted for any thing. India should not support any thing interms of politically or economically or interms of armed equipment to LTTE. i think Tamil parties(few who are supporting LTTE) must realize this is not going to be a good habit. Because the terror should be destroyed whether it was originated based on religion or what ever it may be.
It is very unlikely that the LTTE has the means to resume a conventional engagement with the SL security forces. The group led by Karuna have good conventional fighters whereas the Prabhakaran-led group have unconventional guerrillas. without the support of the rebel karuna-led group, LTTE may not be in a position to fight the government forces. The people of Sri Lanka are not keen on the peace however uneasy it may have been, disturbed at this stage. The new government may try to negotiate with the militants. Of course, there is a likelihood of terror strikes by LTTE and reprisals by the security forces. After all Lanka may not witness a full-blown civil war in the near future. And peace may still have a chance to succeed in strife-torn island.
First responsibility of any tamil is to support/help srilankan tamils getting their freedom,self respect back from singala chavanists. Any true dravidian will agree only LTTE is in a strong postion at this moment to acheive that (without doubt)
from my experience i have seen people with aryan roots see srilankan struggle as a different way and always try to air different ideas and confuse the audiance. Iam afraid you always go wrong if you see see eelam tamil issue with a help of Aryan prism. .
I like to see a strong, prosporous India & tamil eelam together. Though iam an indian, I dont support Indian claims that we are innocent in eelam. We paid Rajiv for what indian army have done in tamil eelam. History going to say the violent act is done by a tamil. Being a tamil i do take responsibiluty sharing the blame. However we need to understand tamils wounds are much bigger than indian wounds
PAKISTAN separation in 1947 still creating itches with aryan people/politicians minds and with India/Pakistan relations. fight with pakistan is a north indian created problem, Did we tamils ever not supported our fellow country men ? we are in the
RE:Indian Tamils Want our eelam brothers forming their nation
by M S Pradeep Kumar on Jan 01, 2006 11:18 PM Permalink
Not supporting Ravi`s message fully but for sure not opposing it. I also wish to re iterate the fact that LTTE and Tamils in Lanka deserved much better respect than what they got from the Indian Army( Is should say this is very much an understatement of what Indian Army did to Tamils there) I do not expect India to give a support for LTTE in SriLanka. I support their stance of taking to a federal Resolution between the rebels and the Lankan Govt. Lankan Govt will have to pay in blood if they postpone things... Wish India and Pakistan were brothers hand in Hand !! May the Peace be restored in this subcontinent.. Valka Vazhamudan!!! deardeepan
RE:Indian Tamils Want our eelam brothers forming their nation
by sanman on Jan 05, 2006 10:56 AM Permalink
Ravi is resorting to the classic race-baiting of Dravidian chauvinists - "Dravida Uber Alles".
I've read that Tamil population in the North has significantly eroded over the past couple of decades. How strong is the demographic claim for Eelam now? They'll be forced to settle for creating Eelam in Canada, at this rate. Falling back on suicide bombers and child soldiers is a sign of desperation and not of a strong position from which to credibly negotiate. These types of tactics glaringly advertise LTTE's desperation and weakness.
I don't agree with Raman's views on this. LTTE has already played all its cards, and is fighting just to hang on. Rajapakse can crush them, especially given that Prabakharan's personality cult has grown faded over time. Karuna is only the beginning of the crumbling of the Losing Tactics of Terrorist Eelam.