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LTTE Terror
by Kumar on Jan 01, 2006 07:13 PM

It is very unlikely that the LTTE has the means to resume a conventional engagement with the SL security forces. The group led by Karuna have good conventional fighters whereas the Prabhakaran-led group have unconventional guerrillas. without the support of the rebel karuna-led group, LTTE may not be in a position to fight the government forces. The people of Sri Lanka are not keen on the peace however uneasy it may have been, disturbed at this stage. The new government may try to negotiate with the militants. Of course, there is a likelihood of terror strikes by LTTE and reprisals by the security forces. After all Lanka may not witness a full-blown civil war in the near future. And peace may still have a chance to succeed in strife-torn island.

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Sri Lanka heads for civil war