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Kashmir Issue
by Sumaira on Apr 28, 2005 10:32 PM  Permalink 

What Kashmir issue actually is?
It is very good if peace returns back to Kashmir but for that it is essentional to resolve this core issue.
It is to be solved as per the wishes of the Kashmiries.
All the parties i.e People of Kashmir,India & Pakistan should sit together to make the ever laasting solution as it is not impossible.
Be honest.

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by sajjad on Apr 27, 2005 08:23 PM  Permalink 

ya its true thats buses to muzafarabd has been started but at the same time there is curfew observed on streets of srinagr..

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by DR Banerjee on Apr 27, 2005 06:33 PM  Permalink 

Any un biased normal persom will rejoice on the return of normal life in the J&K.The fault lie equally with India,Pakistan and misguided people of
Kashmir.Reality has taken front stage in the political
mind of both Indian and akistani leadership.Most important ground reality is the once for all mutual
un armed settlement of J&K.Legally if one has to follow the document of Transfer of power from British
Governtment to India and Pakistan accession of J&K to
India is legal.However the ground reality says that dispute was created and that exists even to day.War has not bought any solution nor is going to bring one.
Pakistan has to accept however painful it may feel the
ground reality of Indias eminense as a major economic
power with active educated human resources which no
world power would like to destabilise.Pakistan can no longer live on the fundamental slogan.It require fund,
resources and support from outside to see prosperity
to her people.People to people interaction with mutual
respect and friendship have great potential for great
future for both countries more so to Pakistan.The peo-
ple of J&K should extend helping hand on this process
and get maximum benifit

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Is Peace returning to Kashmir?
by Abdul Mujeeb N on Apr 27, 2005 06:03 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

How on the earth can we conclude that peace can return to Jammu and Kashmir?

The normal life has been rocked and human rights have been curbed by disproportionate use of force by the security personnell of the so called largest democratic state of India. Not a single day passes without killing of unarmed civilians protesting against the highhandedness of the Indian Army Personnell. At the time of independence , the leaders of india promised to settle the J&K dispute through bilateral deliberations. But how many decades are required ?

Unless and untill similar turmoil and trouble spreads to other corners of the country, Indian Union doesnot have the far sightedness to sort out the issue.

The events transpiring there poses the moral question
What is the big moral right of the Indian Union to say that J&K is an integral part?


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RE:Is Peace returning to Kashmir?
by manish on Apr 29, 2005 04:46 PM  Permalink
The indian security forces are the most benign in the world..But when someone is living on the edge highhandedness is a very secndary affair..
Where's u r sympathy to the pandits who were exiled & the security forces that have been killed..
Typical attitude of people like u raise the hackles of common indians..
I wonder if u had been so quick to raise this issue if one of u r own had been killed by the terrorists?

Get out of the mentality of always supporting u r own ilk...hmmpph

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RE:Is Peace returning to Kashmir?
by Harish B on Apr 28, 2005 11:25 PM  Permalink
>Not a single day passes without killing of unarmed >civilians protesting against the highhandedness of the >Indian Army Personnell.
so you close you eyes to the killings og the civilians
by the militants??

>Unless and untill similar turmoil and trouble >spreads to other corners of the country, Indian >Union doesnot have the far sightedness to sort out >the issue.
so spreading the violence is your solution to the

does it hurt to look things from the middle??

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by amish shah on Apr 27, 2005 06:02 PM  Permalink 

i will be a lot happy if peace returns to kashmir. i am looking forward to visit in august .

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