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Is Peace returning to Kashmir?
by Abdul Mujeeb N on Apr 27, 2005 06:03 PM

How on the earth can we conclude that peace can return to Jammu and Kashmir?

The normal life has been rocked and human rights have been curbed by disproportionate use of force by the security personnell of the so called largest democratic state of India. Not a single day passes without killing of unarmed civilians protesting against the highhandedness of the Indian Army Personnell. At the time of independence , the leaders of india promised to settle the J&K dispute through bilateral deliberations. But how many decades are required ?

Unless and untill similar turmoil and trouble spreads to other corners of the country, Indian Union doesnot have the far sightedness to sort out the issue.

The events transpiring there poses the moral question
What is the big moral right of the Indian Union to say that J&K is an integral part?


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Is peace returning to Kashmir?