all of you have said so much about raja sen, and have been saying it for the past so many reviews.. while i definitely doubt his film-understanding credentials myself, dont u think that even though u hate him, u still come to read his reviews time and again? if u have a problem with his reviews, dont come here and abuse him unnecessarily.. he's bad, no doubt, he has all the wrong opinions, no doubt, but why come to read his review in the first place? do u think rediff will ever stop raja from writing? tehy're garnering enough revenue from people who hate him, but still come and read his review! grow up people!
RE:funny, isnt it?
by Chitra sen on Mar 29, 2008 08:57 AM Permalink
I agree with suhrud, that rediff is earning money by writing uncessary comments by raja sen, And we people are fool we come and read the comments, we couldn't stop ourself, First we need avoid coming on rediff movie comments, then only they will stop writing uncessary comments
RE:funny, isnt it?
by Ann A on Mar 29, 2008 09:30 AM Permalink
well !!!!that s not true i come here to read viewers review general people who have actually seen the movie how they are rating it...... what they are saying about the movie........ Raja sen is mad thats proven so no point in talking abt him....... WHO CARES FOR RAJA SENS MAD REVIEWS
RE:funny, isnt it?
by kumar mangat on Mar 29, 2008 02:09 AM Permalink
I think most of us here are not to read his reviews but to read and enjoy Raja getting verbally bashed and abused. He has made a fool of himself and rediff management consists of more fools who have let him review a movie again even after his previous blunder.
RE:funny, isnt it?
by Ramesh Venkataram on Mar 29, 2008 10:11 AM Permalink
I enjoys reading Raja Sen's reviews more than watching the movies. His words,his sarcasm.... nobody can beat him.I hope Rediff will continue to keep him inspite of regular bashing he gets from almost every visitor.
RE:funny, isnt it?
by Saawariya Rocks on Mar 29, 2008 03:32 AM Permalink
HUH? Dude, what are you talking about? As soon as you understand, please post here.
Oh and yeah, Raja Sen is doing wrong by spoiling the climax of a suspense movie - just because he did not like the movie. How about asking Raja Sen that if he knows for sure (which he does based on his reviews) before watching a movie that he would not like it, why does he watch it?
by ExpertOnEverything on Mar 29, 2008 01:38 PM Permalink
Are you sure that he even watched the beginning ? I think he writes the reviews just based on his presumptions..
by Venkat on Mar 28, 2008 11:35 PM Permalink
well you know what... this movie might seriously be bad. But just because Raja Sen says so, I think I'll watch this movie. I will trust even my 80-year old neighbourhood grandma's film review... but not this guy!
by ExpertOnEverything on Mar 29, 2008 01:39 PM Permalink
Absolutely.. I'll watch this movie only because Raja sen has given a rating of 1 to it..
RE:Raja Sen .. only genuine reviewer in India
by on Mar 28, 2008 11:22 PM Permalink
indians compare themselves with other countries in everything but when it comes to cinema,you guys shut your mouths.americans (spielberg,scorcese,james cameron etc ) are the best at movie making and will always be the BEST.and i'm sure you guys enjoy hollywood movies although you critisize them a lot
RE:Raja Sen .. only genuine reviewer in India
by Saawariya Rocks on Mar 29, 2008 03:33 AM Permalink
And this is a website dedicated to Bollywood - what are you doing here?
I was sooo looking forward to this movie. I was scared what if Raja likes it? If he writes good things about movies, it's for sure it will be a fiasco. But, Raja, you lived up to the expectation and thrashed the movie. Thank you so much for making my day. I will enjoy the movie, popcorn and cola all of it in a fullhouse.
RE:RE:Thank you,Raja!
by Leroy on Mar 29, 2008 11:30 PM Permalink
He/she is right.
123 sucks big time, bashing of raja sen and not people harping on his skills is not news.
We used to be doubtful of critics, and watch the movie anyways w/o reading critics since thy only tell the story and criticize actors and don't know a clue abt the technical aspects. So thy just mix in mumbo-jumbo words and say stuff tht not evn audinces care abt.
But now a days, audiences don't trust critics at all in the 1st place, whn they gave postive and excellnt reviews for OSO.
Anyways, hindi audiences always cared for entertainment and kiddy stuff tht make us laugh or be in awe of a krrish.